What to do on winter evenings

Winter evenings have many things not to like many people. It's dark before, it's rainy and it's cold, but we can not get carried away by the low light or bad weather. The afternoons of the winter season are also a great opportunity to do a lot of activities and get the best out of them. If you wonder what to do on winter evenings, read on, because in .com we give you a few tips.

Steps to follow:


Bad weather should not prevent you from doing the things you like most outdoors . Read our tips on how to ride a bicycle with rain or how to camp in the rain to be ready to do outdoor recreational activities.


Neither should you abandon your sports practices . You can, for example, run with rain as long as you take care of the clothes and shoes you wear.


But if doing sports is not your thing, nor being outdoors when it's cold, you have many other options. Go to the cinema : the producers usually schedule for the winter some of the great releases of the year, since it is one of the moments in which more people go to the cinema. Therefore, it is almost certain that you will have an interesting premiere waiting for you.


Take the opportunity to go to a museum . You do not need to go on a trip to enter a museum. Surely there are many in your city that you have not seen yet. Use the time of the winter evenings as an excuse to discover the museums of your locality, here we suggest some:

  • What are the most important museums in Spain
  • What are the most important museums in the world


Come to the library . Reading is one of the best activities for rainy evenings and winter days and it is also an excellent reason to go to the library in your city. Public libraries are often full of activities in winter, such as reading clubs, language practice activities or exhibitions.


Join a book club or organize your own reading club. Not only will you meet new people and have a good time, but you will also have a motivation to read more and discover new authors.


Try a new hobby : you can sign up at a sock club, try to learn a new language, give Bollywood dance a chance or jump into the crafts.


Stay with your friends and discover the new coffee shops in your city . Nothing is better for a winter afternoon than a good chat and a nice hot coffee.