How to survive a tsunami

Tsunami, is the word from which the tsunami comes. It began to be used by the mass media when the English-speaking correspondents broadcast their reports about the tsunami that occurred in Asia. Tsunami is a complex event that involves a group of high-energy waves of variable size that occur when an extraordinary phenomenon vertically displaces a large body of water. This type of waves remove a quantity of water much higher than the surface waves produced by the wind. Here are some tips to survive a tsunami.

Steps to follow:


Most will survive the earthquake, even the largest earthquake could kill fewer people than the tsunami that follows. Think that if you are near the sea and there has been an earthquake you can be followed by a tsunami.


Pay attention to nature notices. An earthquake can serve as a warning that a tsunami is approaching. The time between one and the other can vary depending on the epicenter of the earthquake, but it can happen between 15 minutes and 1 hour


Pay attention to official notices. Be sure, even if the warnings seem ambiguous or you think the danger has passed.


When you know that the tsunami is approaching, abandon all your goods, take your family and the basic material things of value and go to a high sector and stay there. Climb a hill or at least move away from the coast.


Do not count on passable roads to flee. When you are fleeing from a tsunami, you may find the roads damaged or blocked.


Go up to an upper floor or the roof of a building. Only if you are trapped or unable to go to a high sector, climb to a higher level or to the ceiling of a firm construction. If you can not find a building, go up a tree.


If hit by a tsunami, look for something to use as a raft. Climb some object that floats. The waves will leave different types of waste. A tsunami can leave behind it sand, remains of houses and even human bodies.


The ground level will go down. An earthquake can lower the level of the coast, allowing flooding by the tides.