How to make my dog ​​accept the arrival of my baby at home

Are you pregnant and you have a dog at home? The same thing worries you the moment you enter the house for the first time with your baby and your dog receives it and has to get used to it. It can be a delicate moment if you do not know how to get along. But do not fear, because surely with patience and affection, your dog will welcome your baby and there will be no jealousy or territorial problems. From .com we want to guide you on how to make my dog ​​accept the arrival of my baby at home.

Steps to follow:


As the baby arrives, make sure your dog is healthy and try not to be too dependent on you to see the baby as a rival. If by the time the baby arrives home you do not want it to enter certain parts of the house, it limits its access. You can achieve this by having your dog obey you. Also, show him the room that will be your baby to get used to and make him differentiate between his toys and those of the baby. If you think it is necessary, give him recordings of crying babies so that he becomes accustomed to the sound.


Make sure your dog is not aggressive with children or adults outside the home. At the same time, monitor that has not had hunter behavior. In case you have had aggressiveness or hunting behavior, go to a veterinarian to guide you. If your answer is negative, you have to keep in mind that when your baby arrives, your pet will receive less attention and may try to call yours by biting furniture or breaking things. Do not get angry with him and try not to let go of him.


Let him say hello to the baby when you get home. Keep your baby tight and in the presence of another person, let him sniff at you so you can recognize his smell.


Give some baby clothes to sniff and familiarize with their smell. Leave some garment while you sleep in your room.


Make him a participant in family outings and good times, so that he associates your baby as part of his pack and feels comfortable and integrated.


The first few weeks keep him under surveillance and never leave him alone with your baby. It is not because of the possible aggressiveness of your dog, perhaps your dog is the most affectionate and incapable of hurting anyone, but babies are very curious about everything that surrounds them and tend to grab, pinch and suck everything to investigate it, and Inadvertently it can hurt your dog, which as a defense can attack.


Never shout at her when she approaches the baby. If you see that he does not behave well, do not get angry or punish him, just spend a little more time and train him to obey you.


Teach the dog to approach the baby in a calm manner and to stay still when entering the baby's room.


Routines with a baby change, but try as much as possible for your dog to maintain the routines of walking and exercise that he had before.


Give affection to your dog also when the baby is there. If you give him affection when the baby is not there and you ignore him when you are with your baby, they could cause jealousy.


Be patient. Think that changes take time to be assimilated for everyone, so for your dog too.