What to eat in Madrid

Madrid, a city of monuments, museums and spectacular buildings, keeps many of the most original, hidden and impressive places in Spain. However, the Spanish capital is not only famous for its incredible architecture and beauty, it is that Madrid eats very well and at incredible prices. The gastronomy of Madrid is characterized by presenting some of the most exquisite dishes of the whole country. For this, do not hesitate and make your reservation at one of the best hotels in Madrid and enjoy its delicious cuisine. But, if you have never been to the Spanish capital before and do not know what to eat in Madrid, in this article we show you what are the typical dishes of the city.

What to eat in Madrid: cocido madrileño

Undoubtedly, the most representative dish of the Spanish capital is cocido madrileño . This typical dish of Madrid's cuisine is used to bring chickpeas, carrots, potatoes, blood sausage, chicken, veal, chorizo ​​and ham, depending on the chef you add more ingredients or not. You can find this typical dish of Madrid in any bar and restaurant in the streets of the city, but if you want to taste the best cocido madrileños, we suggest you go to the oldest taverns in Madrid . If you travel to Madrid in winter, do not hesitate to order a hot Madrid stew and enjoy their excellent food.

What to eat in Madrid: callos a la madrileña

The tripe to Madrid is another of the typical dishes of Madrid cuisine . One of the most ingrained customs of the Spanish capital is to have a beer or a glass of wine when leaving work, accompanied by a tapa or ration. Thus, in Madrid it is tradition to order a tapa of tripe to the Madrilenian with friends and accompany it with a beer or glass of red or white wine. The secret of this dish lies, in addition to the quality of their food, in the sauce. Take a slice of bread and dip a piece in the sauce of the tripe Madrid, is a luxury for the palate. Although this recipe was born in the oldest taverns in Madrid, you can now find it in the most prestigious restaurants.

What to eat in Madrid: caracoles a la madrileña

If you still do not know what to eat in Madrid, the snails in Madrid are a good option. This rich dish is one of the most typical tapas of the Spanish capital and is usually served in a clay pot and accompanied with a glass of red wine. The snails at Madrid are characterized by having a spicy flavor, due to one of the main ingredients, the chilli pepper. This typical dish of Madrid's cuisine is usually served in the spring and you can taste it in any restaurant, although the best Madrid-style snails can be found in Madrid's taverns and bars.

What to eat in Madrid: gallinejas

One of the exculsive dishes of the gastronomy of Madrid is the gallinejas . Gallins are the guts and intestines of chicken and lamb, although they can also be made of other animals. Before cooking, they receive an exhaustive cleaning and perfect preservation of food to offer the best quality. The redfish are fried and usually served mixed with chips . You can find this typical dish of Madrid in specialized restaurants, called redfish fry .

What to eat in Madrid: starry eggs

One of the typical gastronomic customs of Spain is tapas and the community of Madrid has some of the best-known tapas and rations in the country. Among all of them, the most outstanding and demanded is the ration of starry eggs . Although its origin dates back to 1846, this simple recipe was consolidated and made known in one of the most famous restaurants of the Spanish capital, Casa Lucio, and little by little it has been expanding throughout the country. Eggs, potatoes and ham make up this delicious dish that you can not miss if you travel to the capital and do not know what to eat in Madrid .

What to eat in Madrid: calamari sandwich

If you still do not know what to eat in Madrid, without a doubt, we can not forget one of the typical dishes of Madrid, the famous sandwich of squid . Normally when we speak of calamari sandwich it is customary to associate with the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, but this is not the only place where we can find them. Although the best and best-known calamari sandwiches are sold in the Plaza Mayor, this typical dish of Madrid's cuisine has spread to most bars and restaurants in the Spanish capital.

What to eat in Madrid: donuts from San Isidro

San Isidro donuts are the most famous pastry products of all the Madrid gastronomy. It is customary to eat these delicacies during the traditional fiestas of San Isidro, located in the neighborhood of Carabanchel. This festivity begins in the middle of the month of May and lasts several days. The most outstanding donuts of San Isidro are the so-called silly donuts and rosquillas lists . The fools are the simplest, those who do not wear any kind of frosting, and the lists that have a layer of white frosting. If you travel to Madrid, we advise you to do it on the dates when the festival of San Isidro is celebrated and see how all the bakeries in the city are filled with these delicious donuts.

What to eat in Madrid: chocolate with churros

When we ask ourselves what to eat in Madrid, the first thing that comes to mind is the famous cocido madrileño and, of course, the churros con chocolate . If there is a typical dish of Madrid that you can not miss if you travel to the Spanish capital, it is undoubtedly this. If you visit Madrid, you must eat a portion of churros with hot chocolate at the famous San Ginés chocolate bar . It is located in one of the streets of the busy Calle Arenal, and has known both international and national artists. Although this is the most famous chocolate shop in the city, you will find many others in the most visited places in Madrid that serve, as well, an excellent chocolate with churros.