How to face the Christmas dinner of my company

How beautiful is Christmas! A time to share, to meet with family and friends and have a good time together. But it is also a time of inescapable commitments, invisible friends with people at work that you do not like so well and of course the dinner or Christmas party of the company from which you can hardly escape. Quiet, we must not take it as the end of the world, we will show you some clues about how to face the Christmas dinner of your company and get out of the matter successfully

Leave excuses and attend

Maybe in a previous year some excuse worked for you, maybe you could not really go, but using excuses to not attend your company's Christmas dinner is the first thing you should not do. Believe it or not this type of events are not as optional as they seem and your boss could feel sensitive to the fact that you decide to miss, go ahead and do not give more thought, in the end the Christmas dinner is a continuation of the working day but in a more relaxed environment

Dress well and you will not be the prey

If it is a great Christmas party, they will probably say what the dress code is, if you do not know it, ask the same thing for dinner. Why is it better to ask ?, Because you should be dressed properly, neither more nor less, you will not want to be prey to the criticism of your avid colleagues because someone is wrong. If you do not have to put on or in the last few months you have gained weight and nothing is very good, go out and buy something for the occasion, girls no miniskirts or pronounced necklines, boys nothing too flashy prints or broken jeans

Smile and talk

If you are new to the company or do not know almost anyone, sit with your closest companions, smile, talk, share and above all do not isolate yourself, you do not know what eyes are on you observing your social skills, the Christmas dinner is a occasion that many bosses take advantage to see the behavior of their employees outside the strictly labor environment. Avoid being stuck to the mobile phone and participate in a pleasant way in conversations, look for fun and you will

Eat and drink in moderation

It is never good to be before the eyes of your colleagues and bosses as a sweet tooth or a drunk, exceeding in the glasses or food in this type of events is not recommended, save that attitude for your family gatherings or moments with your friends

Be careful

In the midst of the relaxed atmosphere of your company's Christmas dinner you may forget that you are still with colleagues at work, do not do it. You must be careful what you do and say, do not make any reckless comments, do not speak ill of other colleagues unless you are with someone of your absolute confidence, do not address controversial issues such as politics or religion, simply be careful with what you say and you'll be fine

Retire on time

The dinner at the end turned out to be fun, everyone ate, they were drinking, talking pleasantly, but people began to leave little by little, do not be one of the last to leave the place, it is better to retire on time, especially if the next day there is work. If your closest colleagues plan to go somewhere else and you want to sign up, do it with discretion, not the entire company should know that the party continues for you. Avoid arriving with hangover the next day

  • These tips will help you to successfully face your company's Christmas dinner
  • Smile, talk, be educated without falling into excessive hypocrisy, behave appropriately to look good
  • Beware of glasses, we already know that getting drunk in front of your boss and colleagues is never a good idea