How to negotiate my salary

Are you looking for a job? Then you will be used to going to interviews and dealing with questions like: what are your salary expectations? Before this question we must know how to answer correctly to negotiate your salary and get feel well paid. In this article we give you some tips that are worth knowing that you can make a favorable negotiation and in which you benefit. Take note and discover what you should do during an interview to negotiate your salary or, in the case that you are already working, how you can approach this issue with your company.

Steps to follow:


First of all to be able to make a good salary negotiation is that you are informed about the ranges that are usually paid in jobs like the one you are applying for. You may have a wrong idea about what is charged and the times are changing, so the first thing is that you get all the necessary information to be able to focus the interview well and negotiate in a realistic way.


During the interview, it is usual for the person of human resources that is with you to talk to you about the salary in an indirect way . That is to say, it will be difficult for you at first to tell you how much you are going to charge but rather, it is more usual for you to ask the question directly to you with phrases like "what is your salary expectation?" Or another way in which they usually approach the subject is to ask you how much you charged in your last job to, well, have an idea of ​​what they can offer you.

If you ask this second question you should avoid inflating the salary because it is very easy to be discovered in the lie . Many people have to give a higher number so that the negotiations start from another point but think that for the HR department it is very easy to verify that the information you have given is or is not real. So be honest and give the real salary and, if you did not agree with it, you can explain it but do not lie.


We also recommend that, whenever you can, try to negotiate the salary once you have been hired . If in the first interview you already mark your salary claims and they do not match with those of the company, it is likely that you will be discarded as a candidate and opt for another person. The best thing is that you accept the job and, once you are in the company, talk about the possibilities of improving the salary.

Many times they do not give you the margin to negotiate the fixed one but you can do it with the variables or with other aspects such as the restaurant tickets, the money for transportation, and so on. Do not think only about the salary but also about the advantages that you can take advantage of being in a company.


However, if the salary range you are proposed is far below your expectations, it is best to be honest and speak with clarity of the salary but always without disrespect or attack the company . There are people who feel humiliated when they offer a salary much lower than expected, but although this is the case, it is best to tell them honestly that this price does not meet your expectations and that you would not work for less than X money.

It is likely that it is a small company, of new creation or with economic difficulties and that at that moment they can not pay you more but have higher expectations. Being sincere and respectful is essential to negotiate your salary.


If you want to negotiate your salary with the company for which you work, it is vitally important that you have your arguments clear . That is: why do you think they have to raise your salary? Think about it, make a scheme and reason your answers. Above all, avoid using arguments like "I need more money", "I do not get to the end of the month", etc. because those are personal issues and not work.

Earn the salary raise for your skills and your way of working, so, if you stand out in your job for whatever issue, it is normal to ask for an increase. Defend yourself, explain that you want to continue growing in the company but that you need to feel valued, in this way you can start salary negotiation from a professional point of view.


In the same way as we said at the beginning of the article, if you want to prosper in your current business at the economic level is vitally important to talk to people who are in your position and know how much they charge to assess where you can aspire. In this way you can adapt your economic needs to the needs of the company and propose a salary that is not far fetched and that is possible. In this article we give you more tips about how to ask for a raise.


You also have to assess the economic situation that the company is going through, that is, if it is not at its best, avoid asking for a salary increase because the most likely response is negative. Evaluate the business situation and, if it is not the time, wait for better times to come: your patience will be valued by your bosses and then you will have more leeway to ask for the salary you want.


Neither should you have an aggressive, angry or threatening attitude . When you interview with your manager, you should speak openly but always with respect, telling how you feel and what your pretensions are. You should not say things like if you do not raise your salary you will leave the company, or get angry if they can not accept your increase. Think you are negotiating, you are opening a path to understanding but the company is not obligated to do so. Even if your idea is to leave if your salary does not improve, never say it and less to pressure you to get the desired increase.