How to register in the commercial registry

For a newly created company, there are several procedures that are necessary to carry out, for example in the case of a corporation. One of them is to register in the commercial register, essential for all those companies that are going to carry out economic activities. To facilitate the procedures, in .com we explain how to register in the commercial register.

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Steps to follow:


All new companies must register with the Mercantile Registry in a period less than one month after we have obtained the deeds of the same.


The address that we will include in the Mercantile Registry must be the same as that we have included in the Statutes of the company. Likewise, we must go to the corresponding Registry regarding the address in which the company is located.


The documents we need to carry out the registration are:

  • Company name certificate
  • Copy of the deed
  • Photocopy of the receipt of the settlement of the Transfer Tax


At the time of registration, we must pay a provision of funds, which is usually around 180 euros. After this, our company will be registered in the Mercantile Registry.


In the event that we do not register our company in the corresponding period, we may have to pay a fine that varies between 300 and 2500 euros.