How the International Day of Human Rights is celebrated

On December 10, the International Human Rights Day is celebrated annually worldwide. This celebration commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly in 1948. In that document, which includes the 30 articles of Human Rights considered basic, it also has the record from being the document translated into more languages ​​in the world : more than 330 languages. So that you can also do your bit for the defense of humanitarian rights, with this article of .com you will know how the International Day of Human Rights is celebrated.

Since when is the International Human Rights Day celebrated?

The United Nations (UN) has always watched over the dissemination and protection of human rights since 1945, the year in which the founding countries of the Organization agreed to prevent the horrors of the Second World War from occurring again.

But it was December 10, 1948 in Paris when the General Assembly gave birth to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, where human rights are considered as "the foundations for freedom, justice and peace in the world." In 1950, all Member States and interested organizations were invited to consider December 10 of each year as Human Rights Day.

As it is celebrated?

The different headquarters and offices of the United Nations around the world, in collaboration with civil society organizations, governments and academic institutions, organize various events to commemorate Human Rights Day. It should be noted that each year a specific theme is usually assigned for the celebration of Human Rights Day.

In addition to the communication and dissemination campaigns to raise awareness among the population about the importance of this day, events are held around the world . Among others, we can highlight events such as: conferences and seminars, music and film festivals, debates and round tables on issues related to humanitarian rights, etc.

What actions can we carry out individually?

In addition to the institutional acts organized by the different organizations, we can also do our bit in favor of humanitarian rights. Some actions that we can take to commemorate the International Day of Human Rights are:

  • Read the Declaration of Human Rights and learn more about it.
  • Explain to the little ones what human rights consist of.
  • Collaborate with non-profit organizations (NGO's).