How to make a Christmas tree with recycled materials

For nobody is a secret that the world is changing and that it depends on our own conscience and work to reduce the environmental impact, and that is why a great idea this Christmas to teach the little ones the importance of the 3R of ecology (reduce, reuse, recycle) is to make crafts to make a recycled Christmas tree . We can make this Christmas tree of small size to place beside the usual tree or replace the tradition with a more ecofriendly idea. For all this, in this article we show you how to make a Christmas tree with recycled materials . Which of these recycled Christmas trees do you like best?

How to make a recycled Christmas tree with plastic bottles

Surely at home you drink bottled water or buy 2 liter plastic soda bottles. If so, do not throw them away! Instead of throwing them you can reuse them to learn how to make a Christmas tree with recycled or reused materials very simple.

With only 5 plastic bottles and some other material, you can make a fantastic recycled Christmas tree. Follow the instructions in this step by step on How to make a Christmas tree with plastic bottles.

Christmas tree with recycled material: cardboard and cardboard

Do you have some cardboard boxes at home or a pile of old cardboard and do not know what to do with it? Well you already have work for this Christmas, since you could make a 3D Christmas tree with cardboard or cardboard following these instructions. In addition to cardboard or cardboard you will only need scissors and some Christmas stickers or more cards of other colors to make the decorations. The result will surprise you!

How to make a recycled Christmas tree with magazines

A great and simple idea to teach the little ones that certain materials that we no longer use can come alive again in other objects, is to make a Christmas tree with wrapping paper, magazines or old newspapers . We show you the step by step in this video on How to make a Christmas tree with magazines.

How to make a Christmas tree with recycled materials: wood and pallets

Some of the most original Christmas trees you see today are those made with wooden logs, thin branches or pallets from top to bottom. Depending on how you place the materials, as you can see in the image, you can achieve an incredible tree to have on the wall or one of real size. In addition, these materials allow you to easily place Christmas decorations as the tables of the pallets or the trunks themselves serve as shelves.

Christmas tree with glass bottles

In this section we explain how to make a Christmas tree with recycled glass or glass materials, such as beverage bottles. If you take some soft drink or glass bottle beer at home , this idea to make recycled Christmas trees is for you.

You will need some cardboard boxes to make the bases of each tree floor of the diameter you want, the bottles and a hot silicone gun to be glued to their base and to be firmer. For the trees in the photo they used circular bases with lights for each floor, if you get them great, but you can do it with cardboard and then place the lights. You can also make this tree with cans and paint them the color you want with spray.

How to make a Christmas tree with corks

If you have several corks stored at home you can reuse them in a fun way with a spectacular result. A Christmas tree made with reultilized corks is one of the best homemade Christmas trees you can make. First you will have to clean them well and you can paint some with typical colors of this time of the year such as green, red, gold and silver. When the paint dries, you can paste the corks with glue or white glue to make the shape of the tree. You just have to add a large cork or group 3 or 4 to make the base and add an ornament that you like on the tip of your new home tree.

Recycled Christmas tree with old buttons

Surely, when you have thought about how to make a Christmas tree with recycled materials you will not have thought about using buttons for its size, but if you want to make small and very decorative recycled Christmas trees for any corner of your home this idea is for you. In fact, this is one of the Christmas trees that are more fashionable because of its simplicity and different touch.

So, if you have many buttons at home you can use them to create very original trees. As you can see in the image, you can make a tree using the flat buttons or by placing them horizontally to create a hanging tree. This type of tree is perfect to be placed on top of a piece of furniture, in a small corner or to hang it on furniture doors.

To make the first one of the image you will have to make a cone with cardboard or foam and you will have to glue or sew the buttons, or in the case of foam, nail big head pins to hold them. Choose different sizes and colors to make it more cheerful.

In case you want to do the second one that you can see the image, you will only have to collect brown and green buttons in different tones to place them one on top of the other in a flat way and join them with a thread that goes through all the holes. If you also have a button with some star or ball shape, it will be ideal to put it at the end of the tree. You just have to leave some thread to make a knot and, thus, be able to hang it where you prefer.

How to make Christmas decorations with recycled materials

Now that you know how to make a Christmas tree with recycled materials, if you do not have the time or desire to do so, you can also teach your family the importance of 3R making Christmas tree ornaments with recycled materials such as cardboard, cardboard and paper. In these other articles we show you four great ideas:

  • How to make a Christmas star with cardboard
  • How to make circular snowflakes with paper
  • How to make six-point snowflakes with paper
  • How to make an eight-point paper snowflake

  • These types of crafts usually take time, but they are a good way to teach the whole family the importance of taking care of the environment
  • Enjoy with your family this activity that will allow the little ones to develop their creativity and feel more involved in the Christmas decoration