How to make a flower costume

The flower costume is one of the most used in many festivities because it is easy and inexpensive to make and it is even one of the most worn by groups that go out partying simulating a garden or a garden. Dressing up as a flower is a good option for both children and adults, whether it's a costume party for a birthday, Carnival or Halloween. With this simple costume you will be the joy of the party, so if you want to know how to make a flower costume, keep reading this article of .com in which we will explain all the steps you must follow to have the best flower costume .

You will need to:
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Silicone gun or glue
  • Dark green and brown eva rubber
  • EVA rubber of the color that we want the flower, it can also be of glitter
  • A green tights and shirt
  • Paperboard
  • Green fabric and fabric of the color you want the flower
Steps to follow:


The first thing you must decide is how easy or complex you want to make this costume, since there are very simple options and others much more worked that you can take on festivities such as Carnival and Halloween. But, choose the way you choose it is advisable to look for a shirt and green tights, if possible of the same tone, this way you will create the effect that your body is the stem of the flower.


On the back of the piece of fabric or rubber eva dark green color you must draw some lines that indicate where you should cut this material. We advise you to make a wide ribbon to make the part that will hold the petals and also make the shape of the leaves that you must add to the part of the stem.


With the piece of fabric or rubber eva brown you can choose to make a pot and, to have shape and consistency, we advise you to use a cardboard. Therefore, you must mark and cut the cardboard with the shape for the structure of the pot and then mark and cut the same shape in the brown eva rubber but leaving more margin of width so that after you can paste it well the edges in the paperboard.


Now you must mark and cut the petals on the piece of eva fabric of the color you want the flower to be, you can choose colors like yellow, pink, red, blue, purple, orange, etc. and you can even use eva fabric or rubber with glitter to make the petals shine and stand out more. The shape of the petals will completely depend on what type of flower you want to make. As in the case of the pot, if you want to give more consistency to the leaves and the petals, it is better that you make the pieces of cardboard first and then the forres with the pieces of rubber eva.


Once you have all the pieces cut out and stuck in the cardboard, either with glue or with silicone, you will have to stick the petals to the green ribbon and you will have to give it the appropriate shape to fit in your head, in addition, you can add a elastic rubber so that you can hold on better. Glue or sew with green yarn the leaves on your shirt or your tights or, stick them on the back of the petals so that they stick out after them.


You have little left to finish making a flower costume for Carnival or Halloween. Then, you can fix the pot to the shirt and the meshes in different ways, but the best options are with elastic bands, sewing the pieces or with glue or silicone, use the form that is most practical. If you do not want to carry a pot, another possibility is to wear a chiffon or green tulle skirt .


Finally, choose some shoes green, brown or a neutral color like white or black. Also, if you want to give a more personal touch to the flower costume you can paint your face as if you were the center of the flower with a yellow or orange color and you can even paint a ladybug or bee.

This costume is very good for Carnival, but if you want to give a more appropriate touch for Halloween you should turn this happy costume into something a little darker, so try to give zombie or vampire touches, for example, breaking some pieces that simulate bites, adding blood in some areas and painting your face in a darker way with dark circles and wounds.


If you have liked to know how to make a flower costume, surely you are interested in these other costumes that you can wear both in themed costume parties, and in festivities such as Carnival and Halooween:

  • How to make a witch costume
  • How to make a Frankenstein costume
  • How to make a star costume
  • How to make a clown costume