How a self-employed worker bills

Workers who register as independent professionals, in addition to knowing and being aware of the rights and duties of this labor regime, should pay special attention to the accounting management if they want their business or activity to be viable and to develop successfully. . Above all it is very important to control the billing and comply with the administration. In this article we expand the information and we tell you in detail how a self-employed worker invoices .

Steps to follow:


From being registered as self-employed, we can issue invoices and other supporting documents to obtain payment for all services offered and operations performed during our activity. It is very important to have at all times a copy of the invoices that we make as we keep the invoices that we receive.


The bills of a self-employed worker must always include the identifying details of the self-employed worker as those of the person or company to whom the service is provided. Unlike the CIF (Tax Identification Code) used by companies, a self-employed worker must bill with their ID or NIF. In addition, an invoice must be identified with the correlative numbering that responds to it and must include the date of issue. Likewise, for a document to acquire the character of an invoice, it must also consist of a main body in which the services or products provided are specified together with their base price.


Self-employed workers to each of the services or products provided must charge the VAT (Value Added Tax) corresponding to their activity. In fact, there are activities that have special VAT regimes, that is, we find those that have a reduced rate and others that, on the contrary, are exempt from VAT.


In addition to VAT, self-employed professionals must deduct a percentage of the bill in concept of Personal Income Tax, the Income Tax for Individuals. The percentage of IRPF also varies according to the professional activity, so it is essential to be well informed of the type of retention that corresponds to us.


Today, delegating accounting management to third parties is a recurrent alternative among self-employed workers, either due to lack of time or because they do not have enough knowledge to keep a stable control of their economic activity. In fact, the so-called online accounting managers offer personalized services through a web platform where you can keep up to date all the accounting, tax and labor aspects without having to have previous knowledge or to have a manager as an intermediary. Without a doubt, it is a very practical option for those who prefer to manage their billing easily and with all kinds of advice.