How to clean the car radiator

Cleaning the radiator of the car is something we must do to ensure that, due to use, it does not rust and release excess sedimentation. Its function in the cooling system is vital as it helps keep the engine cool. If we do not notice problems, cleaning it every two years is enough. In .com we explain in detail how to clean the radiator of the car.

You will need to:
  • water, distilled water, antifreeze, soap, brush, hose, gloves.
Steps to follow:


The cleaning operation of the radiator must be done in cold, because if the engine is hot, surely, we will burn because of the high temperature reached by the water or by the steam itself.


When we are sure that the engine is cold, we open the hood and the engine cover and clean, with a brush and soapy water, the radiator metal grills. There are usually sediments that will come out easily if we help the brush.


The next step is to drain the radiator . To do this, we will put some gloves and place the drain pan under the radiator drain valve. Then, pull the handle and see how the coolant drops, which is toxic. When we finish, we cover the drainage tray and we separate it although we must have it controlled so that nobody gets intoxicated by accident.


Next, we will have to check that the clamps that hold the radiator hoses are not rusted and that the hoses themselves are not cracked. There are two, one that takes the hot coolant away and another one that is responsible for emptying the radiator with cold coolant.


Now rinse the radiator before putting the new coolant. With a hose we introduce water into the radiator until it is filled, then we empty it again.


Before depositing the new coolant, we must make the mixture in a container. Ideally, it should consist of half distilled water and half antifreeze.


Before finishing the cleaning, we must purge the radiator . To do this, start the engine leaving the lid open and leave it running for about ten minutes. We will get the coolant to heat up and let the air out of the radiator, so that there is more room for cooling.