How to do a basic car review

Keeping our car in good condition is essential for our safety and also to increase the durability of the vehicle over the years. Although we must comply with the recommended revisions in the car manual and those indicated by the laws of our country, check the status of the vehicle on a regular basis at home is equally important, in order to ensure that everything is fine. In .com we explain how to do a basic review of the car .

Steps to follow:


Even if you perform the maintenance of your car as indicated in your manual and go to the revisions established by law, it is very important to check the car periodically, especially before leaving on a trip. In this way you ensure that everything is fine and ready to maintain your safety and that of the rest of the occupants of the vehicle.


To make any basic revision of your car it is very important that you expect it to be cold, this way you can open the hood and review basic aspects of the engine without running the risk of burning yourself.


Start by doing a review of the car's oil level . The same must be in an optimal measure to ensure the lubrication and correct operation of the engine, helping our car to be more powerful and more efficient in terms of fuel consumption. In this article we explain step by step how to check the oil in your vehicle.


Take advantage of the fact that you have opened the hood of the car to also check the water level in the radiator, which will help you to avoid the engine overheating, which is essential when planning to travel long distances. You should be able to see the liquid when opening the radiator cap, otherwise it is advisable to fill it to the indicated mark, preferably with distilled water free of minerals.


The water level of the windshield wipers is equally important, as it helps us to keep the windshield in good condition by benefiting the vision when we drive. Make sure that the level is right, and always put a little special liquid to clean these crystals, this way when you use it will be much more effective to remove stains.


Another fundamental aspect when making a basic review of the car, is to ensure the condition of the tires . These play a fundamental role in our safety, because tires in good condition and with an efficient grip prevent accidents. Discover how to perform tire maintenance step by step here.


And to finish with this basic review of the car you can not ignore the status of the headlights of your car . Turn on the lights in each level you have available to make sure they work properly, also prove that the back and channel change lights are in good condition. Before any burned or badly damaged bulb, it is important to go to a workshop to make the change.


Do not forget to be very attentive to the operation of your vehicle, if you notice any noise, difficulty or problem with your brakes or any other part of the vehicle, it is best to go to a mechanical workshop to ensure that your car is in good condition and apt to circulate safely.