How to leave the car parked for a long time

Although it is not highly recommended, it is possible that circumstances force you to leave the car parked on public roads for a long time. As you can imagine, it is a practice that has its risks, both because the car is more prone to being stolen and because you risk that, when you pick it up again, you have some mechanical problem derived from having been without moving and exposed to external agents negative, such as very high or very low temperatures. In .com we give you a series of tips on how to leave the car parked for a long time.

Steps to follow:


First of all, and in case you are tempted, it is necessary to clarify that even if you are not going to use the car for a long time, the vehicle always has to have insurance in force. This happens even when you have the car stopped and stored in your private garage. We insist, a car that is not deregistered in the DGT always has to have an insurance in force. Maybe you are interested in reading the article how to cancel a car.


If the car is going to leave you parked for a long time in a private place, whether it is an individual garage or a farm, we recommend that you cover it completely with a tarp. Thus, you avoid dust or dirt in large quantities through the different slots of the hood and that these elements end up harming the engine. However, if you are going to leave the car on the street, placing a tarp is not recommended, as it is a very obvious sign that the car will be parked for a long period, with consequent safety risks.


So that when you return to take the car the tires are in good condition, you must leave them completely inflated, at the right level. If you do not perform this operation, you run the risk that when you come back you will find that the wheels are deformed because the car has been stationary for a long time.


As for gasoline, what you should do is leave the tank half full. In this way, you make sure that the tank will not be damaged because it is empty of fuel during the entire period in which you leave the car unmoved.


For the same reason, it is very convenient to check other car fluids : oil, windshield wipers, air conditioning, etc., to check that they are not at a minimum level when you leave the car parked for a long period. Under these circumstances, the corresponding deposits could be damaged due to lack of humidity.


If a family member or friend can help you, do not hesitate, ask him to move the car from time to time. A car is designed to circulate and, although you take all the measures to prevent it from deteriorating, leaving it unmoved for a long time will end up affecting the mechanics and will reduce the useful life of the car.