How to definitively cancel a car

The procedures to definitively cancel a car are very simple. You do not have to carry out any procedure before the General Directorate of Traffic, but it will be the accredited scrapyards that will be in charge of doing it. They will also take care of physically disposing of the car so that they comply with the environmental regulations in force. In .com we explain in detail how to definitively cancel a car.

Steps to follow:


The actions to get rid of the car must be done before an Authorized Treatment Center . In addition to making all the components of the car disappear in compliance with environmental laws, this entity will be responsible for electronically downloading it in the Vehicle Registry of the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).


In this web you will find a list of all the Authorized Treatment Centers, popularly known as scrapyards, which are distributed throughout the Spanish geography to facilitate the citizen this management.


You can move to the scrapyard by driving the car you are going to definitively remove, but keep in mind that to get out of there you will no longer have the vehicle.


The documentation of the car that you have to present is the following:

  • Permission of circulation.
  • Card of the Technical Inspection of Vehicles.
  • Declaration of loss or report of theft of these documents, if these circumstances occur.


To definitively cancel a car, you must identify yourself in one of the following ways:

  • Individual: DNI, Spanish driver's license, residence card or passport with the Foreigner Identification Number.
  • Legal person: tax identification card and the representative's accreditation.
  • Minors or disabled: data and signature of parents or guardian and ID.


In the event that there is a seal on the car, it can not be definitively removed, so it will have to be lifted.