How to cancel a car for its transfer to another country

The process of definitively canceling your car because you are going to move it to another country, both in the European Union and the rest of the country, is very simple. The rate you have to pay is not very high, and even depending on the characteristics of the car, it can be free. Simply, you must have located the identification data of the car and go to the General Directorate of Traffic to do the management. In .com we explain how to cancel a car for its transfer to another country.

Steps to follow:


To cancel a car when moving to another country, you have to provide your identification data:

  • The natural persons have to present the DNI, passport and NIF or driving license.
  • If you act as a legal entity, you must identify yourself as a representative of the company and carry your company's tax identification card.
  • The minors or incapacitated will be represented by the tutor.
  • In the event that the person carrying out the procedure is not the owner of the car, a signed authorization must also be provided.


The documents of the car that you want to cancel for your transfer to another country that you have to have are the ITV license and the registration certificate, simply.


In the event that the car is going to go to a country outside the European Union, in addition to the previous papers, you must have a statement that proves that the car is not a waste . The form will be provided to you by the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT).


The fee you have to pay at the DGT is just over 8 euros. You can save them in case the vehicle has been registered in Spain for more than 15 years.


We will not be able to definitively cancel the car for its transfer to another country in the following cases:

  • If there is a seal on the car, we can not do the management. We have to take it off first.
  • In addition, the car has to be paid in full. There can not be any limitation of disposition in the Registry of Movable Property, except that you reach an agreement with the finance company.


Another point that you have to take into account is that if it is an agricultural vehicle, before going to the DGT you have to cancel it in the Autonomous Community Registry.