How to drive if I have a flat tire

Sometimes, when a car wheel is punctured, the air starts to come out little by little, so even though we are driving, we may not even notice it. But in other cases, the wheel deflates almost instantly and you must act intelligently to avoid losing control of the car and an accident. In .com we offer you these tips that answer the question of how to drive if I have a flat tire.

Steps to follow:


As always, the first recommendation in emergency situations behind the wheel is to remain calm. In this way, you will be in the best conditions to make the best decision about how to drive when you have a flat tire . This is the theory, but we know that in these circumstances you have to be very temperate to keep calm.


Well, the first measure before a puncture that causes the tire to deflate quickly, during the march, is to hold the steering wheel with force . In this way, you will be able to keep the steering preventing the car from becoming unbalanced due to the effect of the flat tire.


The next thing you should do is try to slow down the car. However, you should not try to get on the brake, forget about it. In addition to stop stepping on the accelerator, you have to use the engine brake to get the car to stop. As you know, what you have to do, for that, is to reduce the gears so that the engine itself stops the vehicle.


In case of a puncture while driving, you must also activate the emergency lights. In this way, drivers who circulate with you on the road will be warned that you have had an incident and will be alert if you make a sudden maneuver.


Try to leave the car in a place away from the road and well marked to avoid accidents. The occupants who go with you in the car when you suffer the puncture should guide them to a place away from the road to avoid being run over. We recommend that you read this article in which we show you how to act in an emergency on the road.


Doing a good maintenance of your tires will reduce the possibility of having a puncture when you drive.