How to organize my civil wedding - tips and suggestions

Beyond all the documents that are necessary to carry out a civil marriage, the bride usually also worries about the organization of this event from the point of view of the celebration, because it is the perfect occasion to share with family and friends more close friends in an intimate and beautiful environment.

If you do not know where to start, in .com we give you some tips and suggestions so you can discover how to organize your civil wedding and enjoy the most of an unforgettable day.

Steps to follow:


At the time of organizing your civil wedding, there are two options: get married in the court and make a small cocktail at the location of your preference or perform the civil in the chosen location and the judge go to it, an ideal alternative if you want all your family and friends can witness the union. Keep in mind that in some countries the judge is not allowed to move, so the first thing you should do is inform yourself if a judge can travel to the place of the celebration or if the union must be in court or city hall mandatorily.

Be that as it may, you must book your wedding date at least 6 months in advance, even more depending on the demand that exists in your city. Go to the court and find out to select the date that best suits both, when you have it then you can take the step of reserving the place of the celebration.

And, of course, do not forget the rings! Wedding bands are something that can not be chosen lightly, since more than a jewel is a symbol of your eternal love. If you still do not know which to choose, in Jorge Juan Joyeros you can find different designs of wedding bands. You will love it!

Customize the union

A civil wedding usually lasts approximately 15 minutes and, depending on where you do it, you can personalize the ceremony a bit to make it more intimate and unforgettable. It is essential that if you get married in the courthouse or the town hall ask how much time they have for the wedding and about the possibility of incorporating elements to make it more intimate. Some good ideas are:

  • Add a couple of readings that run on behalf of a relative or close friend.
  • Incorporate a song for the entrance or exit of the couple that is, preferably, performed live.
  • Make a ritual when reading the vows in which they exchange words of love and strengthen their commitment to be together in good times and bad.


If you marry in the courthouse or the town hall and then go to another place and make the celebration, take into account that this involves the transfer of the couple, witnesses and family members, so the ideal is to locate a location near the court to facilitate things. In the event that the place where they plan to hold the celebration is not close to where they are married, then it is important to offer alternatives to family members and guests who will attend the wedding, so you can:

  • Pass to the assistants a map with the location of the parking closest to the courthouse or town hall, as well as alternative means of transportation to get there.
  • Rent a bus or some vans to transport your guests to the area of ​​the celebration, this option is ideal especially if you do it in a remote area of ​​the city. If you do this remember that you must also hire the transport service for the return that will also be up to the town hall or courthouse.
  • Invite the signature only to your most intimate circle and invite the rest of the guests directly to the celebration cocktail.

Do not forget to read our article What do the witnesses of a civil wedding, to discover what their function is.


When the date of the civil wedding is already marked, it is time to choose where they will celebrate, for this they can have different options, each with its own charm. Usually civil unions are small and intimate, so you can resort to the house of one of the couple, parents, parents-in-law, relatives or close friends, to an outdoor garden or a charming space.

You can also choose a small restaurant that will please you and your future husband and allow them to offer a beautiful evening to those close friends and so important to you, as well as choose from the many party rooms of small or large hotels that can Enter your budget and adapt to your needs. The size of the space chosen will always depend on the number of guests, so many more options at hand to decide, much better.


More than a banquet, a civil wedding usually serves a variety of canapés, wine, sparkling wine and any other liquor of your choice. You can start the celebration with a light snack and then move on to the more consistent canapés. Other couples prefer to opt for a banquet composed of first and second courses as well as a dessert.

The best thing is to evaluate the different alternatives together with a catering company or with the restaurant where they plan to celebrate the union, in case they decide to do so. Requesting different budgets is essential to find the ideal option for you and your guests, always keeping in mind that food should never be lacking since it is basic in any celebration.

In addition to these details do not forget the sweet touch: the wedding cake and a candy table are basic in this type of events. In our article how to prepare a sweet table for weddings we give you good recommendations that will help you.


The decoration should not leave aside the details, you can choose simple flowers of the season with a lot of color and beauty, which will also help you save some money because if the flowers are seasonal they will also be cheaper.

And if you have manual talent and people who are willing to help you, then you can take care of the decoration of the tables to give your personal touch to each space while saving some money. In our article how to make centerpieces for a civil wedding, we give you great ideas to put into practice with great charm.


One of the aspects that most worries the couple at the time of organizing a civil wedding is the budget, that's why we give you some ideas to save in this event:

  • Look for a catering service with competitive prices and good food, you do not necessarily have to spend large amounts of money to offer delicious dishes or canapés.
  • Pacta with the place where you will hold the celebration about the possibility of bringing you several of the canapés, so you can organize with your family and nearby people to prepare simple but ideal preparations that serve as pica pica. Also add a table of sausages and cheeses or seafood such as prawns and smoked salmon, is also a great success because you can buy yourself at good prices and pay only for the preparation of the table.
  • If you or a family member is proficient with the crafts and flowers, you can make the centerpieces yourself and some decorative elements of the celebration. They will have to invest time, but in return they will save good money.
  • In the same way the liquor can be purchased by you and, depending on the number of guests and the size of the celebration, a couple of waiters will be enough to attend the attendees. But for this they must agree beforehand with the place where they will hold the celebration so that they only collect the corkage, since some places also demand that the liquor be bought there, which undoubtedly increases the final budget.

With a little creativity and ingenuity it is possible to organize a beautiful civil wedding, full of charm and without the need to spend large sums of money.