How to set up a business wedding invitations

Cards and wedding invitations are some of the most important elements. If you have an artistic sense and love creativity, it may be convenient to own a wedding card store . Wedding cards and invitations are part of many cultures where it is a tradition to invite weddings by sending a beautifully designed card.

You will need to:
  • Commercial license
  • Insurance
  • Store location
  • Office team
  • Sellers of invitation cards for weddings
  • Interior designer
  • Organizational capacity
  • Wedding experience
Steps to follow:


Visit several wedding card shops, to research and get an idea about their services and products, so you can develop your own creative concept of how you want your wedding store to be organized.


Compare the prices of the products that other stores are charging their customers for invitation cards and you can set an affordable price for your new customers. You will build a reputation with them and you will get word of mouth.


Find a location to open your wedding store at a mall in your local area, where you can attract customers who are shopping at a bridal boutique or bridal shop. That way, it would be convenient for the bride and groom or the general public to consider their store as a place for a unique visit


Look for lines of new and exclusive wedding cards that are not currently available in the market. The more creative you are with your inventory, the more they differentiate you from the rest of local wedding stores.


Subscribe to wedding magazines, visit trade shows, read websites and join organizations to build relationships and attract future customers by spreading the word about your wedding store.

  • When planning the interior organization of your store, focus first on how the cards and invitations will be displayed. If they are going to be organized by color, designer of the card or by price. This will make it easier for your clients when choosing their wedding invitation cards
  • Offering other services such as flower centers, gifts for the bride and groom, candy and gift cards, will be of great value in the return of customer retention.
  • Visit exhibitions of wedding shows as much as possible, because there are always new brands that launch to the market and you must be the first to have the product in your wedding store.
  • Meet your wedding suppliers, they will inform about possible promotions in your wedding shop. This is good publicity and it is likely that with the wedding provider, cover advertising expenses.