How to disguise as a diabolical clown

Are you looking for some idea to dress up for a party? Is Carnival or Halloween approaching and you are still undecided? One of the best options is the scary clown costume but, although clown costumes are quite frequent at parties, you do not always find one that gives you real terror. To make this costume, you will have to gather all the basic material that is needed, but the most important thing is that you take care of the details to look like the character of that movie you like so much, like the movie "It", or that you play with imagination and give it a very personal touch. In this way, your costume will not go unnoticed.

Do you prefer the terror of laughter? So, to know the details about this scary costume, keep reading this article where we will explain how to disguise yourself as a diabolical clown step by step.

Makeup or mask

If what you are thinking is to provoke terror instead of laughter, the disguises of diabolical clowns are without a doubt the best option. Now you will have to decide if you want to buy the complete suit or if you want to try to make some parts of this yourself. For example, to start, do you prefer to buy a terrifying mask or make-up at home?

The makeup, or the mask, is the most important element in this disguise because through it we will transmit all the sensations that we want to express: fear, terror, panic, etc. Therefore, you should give a different touch to the typical clown makeup image.

To achieve a face that is really scary, you should start by covering your face with white paint, remember to always use special paints for the face, and also paint your neck, at least as far as the shirt of the suit. Remark your eyes with a large black spot, it is not necessary to be rounded and it is better if you make them asymmetrical. Or, you can mark the eyebrows very well with black pencil and make dark shadows on the upper and lower eyelids, with black and gray eyeshadow, and taking a little bit the line of the nose to, thus, achieve an effect of dark circles deep

Another very important feature to highlight in this disguise is the terrifying clown smile . So to achieve it, you will have to paint your lips and a good part over and under these, marking a very exaggerated smile. Also, for the effect to be more scary we advise you to stain your mouth, especially the teeth but not the makeup, with chocolate or some dark syrup. If not, you can buy a false denture for scary costumes.

Also, you can draw some vein along your forehead or your neck using pencils in blue and green tones. If you are not going to wear a bought clown nose, you will have to color yours with a very red tone, and it will be better if you use latex base to give a large and rounded nose.

Discover in this video on How to put latex for a fake Halloween wound because, in addition to adding a wound to your makeup you can use the same technique to make the nose.


Another feature that you should keep in mind to know how to dress up as a diabolical clown is the hair you would like to wear. The hair of these personages usually is voluminous, disheveled and of some strident color. So, think a little about what shape and color you prefer to be able to choose your wig well when buying it.

Normally clowns wear hair colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple, but for this scary costume we recommend the first two or three colors. In addition, as these wigs are usually bulky but have a very well defined hairstyle, we recommend that you put it on and with scissors cut some areas to achieve disheveled hair and even more hair. Thus the effect that will give will be more of madness than of friendly appearance.

Scary clown costume

Another fundamental point of this attire is the suit, which although it must resemble that of a normal clown, has to transmit madness and fear. So, we advise you to buy a ready-made suit or to take wide, brightly colored trousers and shirts and add straps to your pants. Also, white shirts, wide and with lace in the neck are also widely used in this type of attire. In addition, you will have to break some parts of this clothing and / or sew patches of other colors and drawings.

You can not miss some white gloves to finish having a complete suit and you can break them or dirty them a bit to achieve a tone more in keeping with the image you want to achieve.

Clown shoes

To finish the basic clown costume you will only lack some big shoes . You can buy some specific for this type of costumes or you can make some at home. We recommend that you take a pair of shoes a couple of sizes larger than your number and that the space left over is filled with socks so you can walk more easily.

Another option is to use papier mâché and balloons to create some clown shoes, that is, make a shell that you will place on top of your normal shoes to have bigger and more striking feet. Remember to decorate them with strident colors, or in black and white, and even make a broken piece.

Discover in this other article How to make paper mache if you want to make shoes yourself.

Terrifying accessories

To finish making a devilish clown costume you just need to take care of the details, that is, you must get terrifying accessories . Here we detail some of the most used accessories in these cases, but do not stop there and think if there is something that would suit your suit better:

  • Knife or plastic ax
  • Toy chainsaw
  • Several balloons tied on the wrist
  • Flower that throws water
  • Withered flower

Also, think that all these accessories should look careless or broken. To give the final touch to your costume you can use fake blood to dirty some parts of the costume and some of your accessories.