How to dress up as Choni - Girls

The chonis are an urban tribe born in the late 90s, lovers of the bottle in the fields, to speak without measuring the tone of voice, the tuenti, the photos in front of the mirrors and the writing full of misspellings of the type " Hello, what you doing".

The female species is known for abbreviating the names of its "colleagues" who are often called the Jesi, the Vane, the Jenny, the Lore, for being adept at high buns or toupees, excessive makeup and piercing in the vicinity of the lips.

The males of this tribe tend to go to school, they usually say hello to their partners using terms like "crazy" or "cousin", they have a limited vocabulary, a low tolerance level and a high territoriality. Natural enemies: the intellectuals.

Need more details to admit that this is a great costume ? In .com we explain how to disguise yourself as Choni to succeed in your next themed party or to conquer all of them in Halloween or Carnival.

Steps to follow:


If you are a girl you can opt for a huge variety of costumes to disguise yourself as Choni . Your clothes should always be tight and if you decide on skirts or dresses, ideally they are extremely short, leaving almost all your legs on the air.

Do not skimp on the cleavage, the more meat you show the better, this is the typical attire of the chonis when going out to party.


Bright or lycra clothes, preferably in bright colors, are always welcome. You can opt for animal print, a successful print among Choni girls.

When choosing shoes choose the platforms for a night outfit, or boots with "hairy" finishes if you have them at hand, and is that the hairs on boots and jackets are the favorite details of the chonis.


Disguising yourself as Choni does not make sense if you do not know how to complement your outfit with the right accessories. Large and colorful earrings, flashy and cheap necklaces, waist or hip belts and also colorful bags can help you make your choni costume a success.


For the makeup exaggerate as much as you can, delineated cat eyes, very colorful shade and lipstick, well-made cheeks. And if you can get a lying pircieng and place it at any point around your mouth, much better. Do not forget the big sunglasses, even if it's at night and you do not need them, they will always help you to pose in a photo by taking your mouth out and making the sign of peace.


And never forget the hairstyle, a key aspect in your choni costume . You can opt for a high bun, a half tail or a full tail with a toupee, a toupee with flowers, or bandanas on the head and loose hair.


This is all you need to be a true choni for one night and surprise in that costume party, wearing a very polygon costume in Halloween or Carnival.

Do not forget to also invite the Jenny, the Jessi, the Debo and the Lore to go with you to your party, so they can make a bottle and spend the whole night of school taking photos overflowing with sensuality and attitude.