Meaning of the Turkish eye - What it is and what it is for

One of the most popular amulets that exist around the world is the Turkish eye, a very particular symbol that, almost always, is blue with different tonalities and that has always been used as a protector of the evil eye. Originally from Turkey, this amulet has a deep meaning that is deeply rooted in this area of ​​the Mediterranean, making many people have it at home, wear it as a trinket or tattoo it on their skin to protect themselves from bad energies. In this article we are going to discover the meaning of the Turkish eye so you can know the history of this popular amulet.

What is the Turkish eye and what is it used for?

The Turkish eye is known, also, with the name of " nazar " and it is a protective amulet that appears in the form of a flat drop whose interior contains the shape of an eye. This trinket is often used to protect yourself from bad energies as well as from the evil eye.

It is usually an amulet manufactured by hand and for which crystals of different colors are used, although the majority is blue. It is formed by different circles that contain blue tonalities that go from dark to clear to reach the white that we find in the center of the trinket. This color may vary according to the intention with which you wear it.

The use of the Turkish eye

This amulet is used because it is considered a protective element of evil influences . Superstitiously they are attributed magical properties that can protect us from malicious energies as well as from envious people.

It is believed that the bad feelings generated by human beings can come out through the eyes, since this is the most expressive part of the body. To prevent this natural energy from influencing the people around, this amulet is used as a protective barrier against these negative feelings.

These bad vibrations come out of the eyes of people who feel jealousy or envy and therefore, because of these feelings, they are able to send negative energies to other people. His gaze is stained by the darkness of feeling and comes out by the force of the mire.

Origin of the Turkish eye

Now that you know the meaning of the Turkish eye, we will travel the time to discover its origins and, thus, understand where this amulet so widespread in our society comes from. In the history of mankind, the eye has always been considered as one of the most expressive senses we have and, therefore, with the ability to ward off evil. This ancestral belief was adapted by the Turks, in the region of Anatolia, to craft an amulet that contained the image of an eye and was able to avoid the evil eye and any other negative feeling.

Thus, the origin of this amulet is found in Turkey, where, today, this trinket is still being produced using the same method used thousands of years ago.

His influence also reached other countries in the area and, for this reason, Greece also began to wear this talisman ; in fact, in many places it is known as the "Greek eye" instead of the Turkish one. Since then, this amulet is worn as a protector and is usually worn in jewelery or jewelry pieces such as necklaces, anklets, bracelets, etc., although they are also placed in areas such as the home, workplace or car.

The different colors of the Turkish eye and its meaning

Although the Turkish eye is mostly in bluish tones, the truth is that there are different amulets depending on the use that you want to give. Next we will discover the colors that you can find and their corresponding meaning:

  • Blue : it symbolizes good Karma, therefore, it is related to good energies and against the evil eye.
  • Light blue : offers direct protection against the evil eye and symbolizes truth and purity.
  • Red : is meant to protect us in love, passion and desire. It is the color of energy.
  • Yellow : this amulet is used to be protected in health since this color represents strength and vitality.
  • Green : it is usually worn to protect ourselves from bad energies and to be able to develop ourselves personally. It is the color of hope and personal growth.
  • White : it is the amulet destined to purify the energies and to change the negative ones in positive ones. It is the color of goodness and purity.