Meaning of the deer as a power animal

Animals have always been attributed different powers in ancestral cultures with which they tried to explain the various events that occurred in nature and that the populations did not know or had scientific means to clarify and unveil. One of those animals is the deer, which has always been associated with strength, virility and renovation, mainly.

They are powers and meanings that have been changing over the centuries, but which are maintained today because the deer is still one of the best animal totems. But what is the meaning of the deer as an animal of power ? In we explain the different meanings for you to know, in addition to letting you know the role of the deer in the main cultures.

Main meanings of the deer as a power animal

The deer is an animal to which various powers and abilities are attributed, some of which may seem contradictory, although, in reality, they respond to their way of being. In fact, many times the deer has to be strong in its natural habitat, but it is also peaceful and calm. A duality to which is also added the union of the masculine and feminine by its somewhat affable physical appearance.

Spiritual significance of the deer

The appearance and life of the deer in its natural environment have been two decisive factors to be attributed several powers. The main ones are:

  • Force
  • Apacibility
  • Renewal
  • Ability to understand what is needed to survive
  • Grace or power of gratitude
  • Listend capacity
  • Ability to find alternative paths

The deer as a totemic animal

All this has led to that from ancestral times he was associated with Cernunnos, the Lord of Animals, and the goddesses of the hunt as Diana or Artemis. This elevated the deer to the rank of a sacred animal and to being the protagonist of the deer dance with which the indigenous peoples identified with nature and venerated it.

In addition, over the years, also in other cultures has been associated with the tree of life by the similarity between the branches and the antlers, it is usual to be linked by this comparison with fertility and virility.

The meaning of the deer as an animal of power throughout history

The deer is one of the animals on which older data are related to its connection with the symbols of power. And is that already in the cave paintings were drawn to explain the passage of youth to adulthood and the mystery of why old age occurred. As of that moment, several are the meanings of the power that have been attributed to him in the different cultures:

  • Far East : the deer had the power of renewal, which was attributed to him by the ability to renew his horns. In countries like China, however, it had the meaning of infertility and barrenness, which contrasts with the fertility association of other cultures and with other meanings within the Chinese country itself that linked it with prosperity when the horns were abundant. Different was also the meaning for the Buddhists, who saw in the deer an animal of knowledge and probity.
  • Pre-Columbian cultures : in these cultures, the deer had a similar meaning to that granted in the Far East, contemplating this animal for its capacity for renewal.
  • Celtas : the meaning of the deer for the Celts was the conductor of the spirits, apart from representing the force of light in the darkness. This was the union between the two worlds.
  • Rome : in ancient Rome, the deer was a mystical symbol to which was attributed the ability to choose the most curative and best plants for use in pharmacy and medicine. An ability he had thanks to his intuition and his life in nature.
  • Greece : in ancient Greece, the deer had the same meaning as in ancient Rome. However, here he was also revered for his beauty and his agility of movement.
  • North America : in this area of ​​the world, the deer was associated with the tree of life, longevity and rebirth. In this sense, for the Americans to have at their side the spirit of the deer was synonymous with strength and will to life.

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Meaning of the deer as an animal totem - the answer here

Regardless of the meanings of the deer as an animal of power in ancestral cultures, this animal has always been associated with force . And it has great value because, although it seems weak and fragile, the truth is that it has great strength and qualities such as the agility and speed at which it runs to escape danger or being hunted.

This strength is also reflected in the combats they perform with other males to attract the female and in which the antlers may end up damaged. This has favored its association with virility and fertility .

This natural process of mating has also led to the deer being considered as a symbol of renewal, since its horns are renewed . The normal thing is that it falls in the time that coincides with the spring so that it grows again. A process of renewal and regeneration that in turn is linked to life.

Since we hope we have helped you to understand the meaning of the deer as an animal of power both in antiquity and in different cultures and meanings continue to endure today.