How to communicate with my cat

Still persists the popular belief that cats are independent animals and that they are only with their owners for convenience. But nothing is further from reality, if you have a cat you will know what I mean. And it is that having a cat as a pet is very rewarding, and much more if you also know how to communicate with him. That's why from .com we want to teach you with these tips on how to communicate with your cat .

Your cat talks to you

Even if you do not believe it, your cat knows how to talk to you and you should know how to listen to him to differentiate what he wants to say to you. Listening to your meows, you will be able to know what he is saying to you, whether he needs you or is angry and protests.


With a short meow he is greeting you, if there are several of them, he is greeting you very happy. When it meows with a long meow it is that it is asking for something, and much more it is noticeable if it meows of long form and, in addition, it tries to guide you towards where he wants. If it is an intense meow as if screaming, it is because something is wrong, check that nothing hurts.

Purr and puffs

The purrs are also faithful indicators of communication with your cat . When you have a soft purr, He is at ease by your side and is demanding your attention to be able to offer his affection. If the purr is long, it is demanding something, such as caresses. If the purr is sharp accompanied by squeals or grunts is because something hurts or is afraid. And if the purr is severe accompanied by a strange body language you might not like something.

If your cat blows air with his nose open, with a fixed gaze and body language indicative of aggression, he may be warning you that he wants to attack. When your cat speaks to you, it is usually accompanied by body language, in order to emphasize what it wants to say to you.

Communicate with your cat

Talk to him You must talk to your cat to learn to communicate with you. The more you communicate with him, the quicker he will learn to communicate with you.

When you want to indicate friendship, use a pleasant tone, slightly sharp, exactly as if you were talking to a baby. On the other hand, when you want to indicate disgust or disapproval, use a more serious tone of voice.

In order for your cat to associate a word with an action, you must repeat it as many times as the action. For example, say "bed" or "to bed" when you want to go to bed to rest.

Tell him to disapprove an action

When you want your cat to eliminate a behavior, say a resounding no to see that you do not agree. It is very important that when you want to understand the disapproval do not caress him at the same time because you could confuse him. And never use physical aggression on your cat because it will take fear and resentment. Aggression is never a good option.

You must be constant. For example, if you do not want your cat to get on the table, be constant in communicating that you do not like it, because if you give in once, all the previous work is thrown on the ground. Use a scolding tone to understand little by little that you do not like and disapprove. You can also use the famous "shhht" as if it were not, since cats make a similar sound when they are angry and can associate it quickly.