The best stones for Gemini

Attracting luck, love or money are some of the reasons that make us carry lucky charms or stones with us . But, you should know that not all have the same power for each one of us. If you were born under the zodiac sign of Gemini, pay attention to the following .com article. On this occasion, we encourage you to discover which are the best stones for Gemini. Discover the protective power of these precious stones and do not forget to always carry them with you. They will be very helpful!

Steps to follow:


Gemini is a zodiac sign that has an influence on all those people who were born between May 21 and June 21. The zodiac represents it through two brothers, twins, who represent the two sides of the same coin. The mental duality is one of the most powerful characteristics of the Gemini, as well as its communicative and negotiating power. Likewise, they can be superficial and somewhat deceitful. If you want to know more about this horoscope, do not miss the following articles:

  • How are the Gemini
  • How is Gemini in love
  • How is Gemini at work


Precious stones play an important and fundamental role in the world of astrology, pseudoscience that studies the relationship of reality with astronomical phenomena. Therefore, each zodiacal sign has particular lucky stones, which are capable of intensifying the qualities of each sign.


Each metallic element or gemstone performs a certain function within each zodiacal sign. All this has to do with the energy field possessed and transmitted by each of these stones. For Gemini, the most prominent stones are: tiger's eye, amber, chalcedony or rock crystal. Know them below in detail.


Tiger's Eye. For those born in Gemini, this is a good precious semiprecious stone that helps build confidence and self-esteem. Its empowering and liberating power is very positive for the Gemini. This crystal helps to make decisions in a practical way, to reason and leave impulsivity aside. Also, this yellow quartz will act as a talisman for the Gemini, attracting good luck, providing the necessary strength to improve health and performance in various areas and attracting economic abundance for those born in this sign.


Amber. This dark golden fossil resin has a strong energetic power, which makes it a fundamental stone for any Gemini. Like the tiger's eye, amber helps build confidence and increase self-esteem, while helping to provide tranquility, stability and balance. The great power of amber is to help improve vital energy deficiencies, activating the will, enthusiasm and creativity. If you are a Gemini who wants to grow in life and accentuate your ambition, amber will give you the organizational power, personality and character necessary to move forward.

Discover much more about this stone in the article Properties of the amber stone.


Chalcedony. Peace and tranquility, these are the two concepts that this precious stone will bring you. It flattens the nerves and invites repose. If you are a nervous Gemini or suffer from insomnia, this stone is for you. Chalcedony absorbs negative energies, which makes it a good talisman for all those born under the double face and character of Gemini.


Rock crystal. The purity of this transparent and colorless quartz will bring Gemini clarity. It stands out for its cleansing and neutralizing power of negative energies, making it a perfect talisman. The rock crystal will help to organize the thoughts. It is known as the wild stone, since it usually has affinity with all the signs of the zodiac. It is a good protector and energizer.