How the greenhouse effect occurs

One of the great phenomena that occur on our planet Earth and that enables the development of life is the well-known greenhouse effect, thanks to which the heat that allows the development of living beings and the stability of the planet in general is maintained. But this phenomenon is being affected by human influence and the emission of gases into the atmosphere. This is no more than a gigantic climate change, a global change to the detriment of the human species and its world. Do you want to know more about this topic? In .com we explain how the greenhouse effect occurs.

Steps to follow:


Before starting to address the issue, it is important that we are clear about what the greenhouse effect is . It is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs naturally and prevents the heat produced by the Sun from leaving our atmosphere, thus producing the same thermal result that is achieved inside the greenhouses. There are many gases that allow the sun's rays to remain on the planet and, therefore, help make the temperature ideal for human life: water vapor, methane or carbon dioxide are some of the gases that contribute to this effect.

Thus, the greenhouse effect is something that occurs naturally on Earth to provide an average temperature and that life has been able to evolve to what we know today.


To know how the greenhouse effect is produced it is important that we know the causes of this phenomenon that is affecting us so much in our day to day life. We have already indicated that this atmospheric situation MUST exist so that there is an optimum temperature on our planet and, therefore, can harbor life. However, with the advance of modern society and the increase of emissions of gases into the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect has been increased by making the temperature of the Earth increase much more than what it should be doing, so that the poles are melting

Next we will specify the causes of the greenhouse effect so that you know what is causing this situation:

Natural causes

There are some gases that are emitted naturally in our planet and that produce this greenhouse effect; this type of emissions are those that, until now, have helped us to be able to live peacefully on our planet, achieving an optimal thermal environment for the life of our entire ecosystem. These gases come from:

  • The activity of volcanoes
  • The evaporation of ocean water
  • Methane
  • Carbon dioxide
  • The ozone
  • Nitrous oxide

They are causes in which man has not intervened in any of them and which contribute to maintaining the climate in an optimal state to develop life on the planet.


Artificial causes

If there were only natural causes of this atmospheric effect, the future of the Earth would not be in danger. But human activity has caused other emissions to appear in our atmosphere that are also responsible for the greenhouse effect; among them we highlight the following:

  • Deforestation : increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • Cultivation of the land : the products and methods that are currently used for the cultivation of fields also emit greenhouse gases
  • Coal, oil and gasoline are the main products used for technological automation and all three, when consumed, emit large amounts of harmful gases
  • Industrialization : the gases that are emitted due to industrial activity also produce the greenhouse effect
  • Electric appliances : the appliances that we have at home, cleaning products, lacquer, aerosols, among many others, emit daily gases with this effect in our atmosphere, hence the importance of disconnecting all electrical appliances when they are not used
  • Population increase : that there are more people in the world also directly affects the greenhouse gases since it is required that the industry creates more products and that there is, in general, more consumption of resources
  • Waste treatment : the garbage we generate while we live is also one of the main causes of the greenhouse effect. The reason is that the products end up burning and this smoke is full of gases that promote this situation. This is why it is so important that you recycle waste to reduce emissions of these gases as much as possible.


So, if you wanted to know how the greenhouse effect occurs, now you know it: for natural and artificial causes. The latter are where we can collaborate individually and thus reduce emissions. Some of the small changes that you can make in your day to day and that will collaborate in respect for the environment are:

Use the public transport

Although it seems silly, public transport allows a large group of people to move without having to emit more gases than the metro, train or bus sends. If we all move by car or motorcycle we greatly increase these gases, thus contributing to the greenhouse effect. Using the bicycle to get around the city is also a perfect idea for the environment as well as for your health.

Separate garbage

Learning to recycle is basic to achieve the maximum reduction of gases generated by the burning of garbage. Separating plastic, cardboard, glass and organic foods allows a new life to be given to these products, reducing the impact on nature and not damaging our atmosphere. In this article we tell you in detail why it is important to recycle.

Buy organic food

Opting for organic foods instead of conventional ones is also a good way to collaborate with a type of agriculture that does not use pesticides or products that damage our atmosphere; In addition to this, you will ensure you buy high quality foods that are perfect for your health.


The consequences of the greenhouse effect can be dire if we do not start making changes in our day to day and adopt an ecological conscience. This situation can be fatal for our planet and, in years, end with life, therefore, it is important to adopt new ways of life in our routine. Some of the consequences that this situation can produce on our Earth are the following:

  • Extinction of animals and plants : the change in the temperature of the planet causes many species to be extinct.
  • Increase in sea level : with respect to the last century, it is known that in the 21st century the sea has increased between 10 and 20 centimeters and, in the last 20 years, it is increasing at double speed annually.
  • Thawing of the poles : polar ice caps and glaciers are those that contribute to the rise in sea level and, therefore, over time there will be a risk of flooding of territories.
  • Extreme weather phenomena : typhoons, hurricanes, etc., have been increasing both in frequency and intensity in recent years due to climate change.
  • It is advisable to recycle all the products that you can with the intention of not generating harmful substances for human health.
  • We must help as much as possible so that the layer of the atmosphere stays alive and saves the Earth.