How it is written maybe

Writing well is not a difficult task if we pay a minimum attention to the spelling and the way in which those words we use most frequently are written. However, it is also possible that at certain moments we may have doubts about how we should write some expression than another, especially those that confuse us and we do not know if they are written separately or, on the contrary, as a single word. In this article we show you an example of it and we help you discover how it is written perhaps or in case .


The term 'acaso' is registered in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), where it is indicated that it is used under the following meanings :

  • As masculine noun to express chance or an unforeseen event. Example: Do not think that the chance was foreseen .
  • As an adverb of doubt to express maybe, maybe. Example: Are not you going to come to the concert tonight?
  • As an adverb of negation. Example: I have been able to sleep in the afternoon.
  • As an adverbial phrase ( just in case ) to express something that takes place in anticipation of some event. Example: I have to buy more drink just in case .

Therefore, whenever you want to write the term 'perhaps' you will have to do it in a single word, because this is the correct way.

* A case

On the other hand, 'a case' written separately is not registered in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), so we conclude that it is an incorrect expression and that we should never write it separately.