How to make a condolence card

Funerals and the period immediately after them are difficult times. For many people, the death of a friend or close relative will be followed by a period of mourning in which they feel sad, drained and fragile. One way to support your friend, is sending him a condolence card after the funeral. Condolence cards should be brief, honest and should stop mentioning the details of the person's death. A condolence card should help your friend feel better about the death of their loved one.

Steps to follow:


Write the sympathy card carefully, using blue or black ink. Write the envelope and the letter by hand.


Start with a simple introduction. Indicate that you feel sad when you hear about the death of your beloved friend or acquaintance.


Keep the letter short and express your condolences with short sentences. Use soft words, such as "pass" or "loss." Avoid using words that sound like "dead" and "death."


Share a brief memory of the deceased and what the person meant. Be brief, write only a few sentences.


Offer your support. Offer to cook your friends a meal or take them for a drink. Everything depends on your friendship and the situation of your friend.


Close with an appropriate feeling, such as, "My deepest condolences" or "I am praying for you."


Send the condolence letter by mail with a stamp that is appropriate for a grieving moment.

  • Do not mention anything negative about the deceased in the letter.