How to prevent my dog ​​from urinating at home

If your dog pees at home you will have to start assessing what happens to take action. Your pet is a member of the family and to have a pleasant conviviality you have to avoid behaviors that depend largely on you as an educator. Your dog is your responsibility, devote the necessary time to detect what the problem is and find a solution. In .com we explain how to prevent your dog from urinating at home.

Steps to follow:


There are different reasons why your dog may get to urinate inside the house. It may be a puppy that is still learning to do their needs, the dog does not go out for a walk enough or has very unstable schedules of departure that end up confusing. Your dog may want to get your attention, because he gets bored or longs for you. It is also possible that your pet suffers from prostate problems and hence the continuous leakage of urine.

Another reason is that he has some trauma, fear or even seek to calm his anxiety by impregnating his smell throughout the house. It may be related to your dog manifesting a very territorial behavior or even having a health problem that prevents him from controlling his needs.


We recommend that you approach this situation calmly and with patience because it has a solution. To begin with, you should try to teach your pet from puppy so he can get used to peeing in the street at stable times . Establishing a routine of walking is your responsibility, and if you do it your dog will know at what time he touches and will learn to pee only when he goes out on the street. But you must remember that a young dog up to 8 months can suffer some leakage because he still does not have an effective control of his sphincters. You should take your dog for a walk at least 3 times a day for 15 minutes and always at the same time.


If your dog urinates at home and is because you do not pay enough attention, try to spend quality time with him daily . Play, talk with him, walk, give him love, your pet must feel that it is an important part of your life. When you live with an animal you must be aware that apart from covering your basic needs, you are your family and you need it. Find time each day to spend with him, so that he sits next to the sofa and you will see how your dog will stop performing his needs at home.

If the problem does not have to do with lack of attention, it may be due to some condition of the prostate, something typical of older dogs. In that case, go to the veterinarian to assess their health status and put it into treatment.


If you have adopted your dog, it may come with an emotional or educational lack that influences your current behavior. It is possible that your pet urinates at home because they simply have not educated him, because they did not pay attention to him, because he spent many hours alone and ended up giving free rein to his needs at home. No matter how old your dog is, you will have to dedicate time to educate and rehabilitate it, but everything is possible with love and patience.


If your dog is a puppy it is normal that he does not control, you will have to teach him not to pee at home. If it is too small and you can not go outside, you will have to leave a place to urinate, you can put a sandbox or even a newspaper on the floor in an area that you always have access to. As your pet associates that site with urine, you will see how it will do without problem. Reward her for her good behavior with affection, nice words, or some edible prize.

But if, on the other hand, your dog does not piss in the fixed place, you will have to be serious and emphatic, tell him that what he has done is not good and take him back to the right place. Usually, this procedure is repeated when your pet begins to go out. When you go to the street let your dog sniff and feel the smell of other animals pee so you know clearly that the street is where you should urinate.


Regarding the issue of quarreling or not your pet if you urinate at home, if your dog is very young he understands that it is natural that he does not control, but after 10 weeks you have to start devoting time to his learning . And I stress that it's about teaching, because an argument without explanation is useless since your dog will not understand it. When your dog pees in an inappropriate place, you will have to point out what he has done (or even take him near the pee he has just made) and say no with vehemence.

This process you can repeat several times each time you do it wrong, in this way you are marking that you do not like to do that, so your dog will understand that this behavior displeases us a lot. It is never advisable to use any type of violence, nor to bring your snout to the pee, or hit them in the nose, or spend too much time making them feel bad. They are counterproductive methods and what you will achieve with that is that your dog is scared, feels sad and even insecure, which may encourage this behavior again.


In certain specific cases sterilization is the solution for your dog to stop peeing at home. For example, if your dog has a very territorial behavior it will be very common for him to urinate on the floor, the sofa, the doors, everything so that it is clear that this territory is his. In these circumstances castration can end this behavior or at least minimize it.

To be more effective, you must sterilize your pet at a young age (less than a year or year and a half). A dog that is sterilized very young before reaching sexual maturity will have hormones that will not have been awakened and the marking will be a behavior that you will not have to see. If your dog is already adult and marks, the sterilization is not 100% effective, you will have to talk to your veterinarian to see what you can do about it.