How to convert milliamps to amps

A milliampere is a unit smaller than an ampere, which is used to measure the amount of electric current flow at a given time. It is important to understand the relationship between a milliamp and an ampere, since doing so helps you understand how much you are measuring. Also, it can also be very useful to run the conversion between these two magnitudes, so we explain how to convert milliamps to amps.

Steps to follow:


First, to convert milliamps to amps you must know the equivalence between these two magnitudes.


Suppose then that what we want to convert is 300 milliamperes in amperes ; in this way, we must establish a rule of three.

Thus, if 1 milliampere is 0'001, we must find the value equivalent to 300 milliamperes that we will call "x".


Next, you must solve the rule of three as you usually do, multiplying in cross and dividing by the remaining value to isolate the "x".

In the example used, we will remove the "x" and multiply the 300 milliamperes by 0'001 amps and then divide by 1 milliampere (this last step can be ignored, since the values ​​that are divided by 1 do not vary).


When performing the pertinent operations, you will obtain the equivalence in amps of the value that you initially had in milliamperes .

Therefore, we can affirm that 300 milliamperes is 0'3 amperes.