How to explain Jesus' miracle of the conversion of water into wine

The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana was recorded in the Gospel of St. John. The wine was finished during a wedding ceremony, which would have been considered a public shame. Mary asks Jesus for help and he replies: "Woman, why are you saying this to me?" distancing himself from his mother, believing that his time to reveal himself had not yet arrived. However, Jesus did a miracle. He tells the servants to fill the jars of water, then turned it into wine. When teaching the miracle of the water turned into wine, it is important to read and interpret the passage. Next, the meaning of the miracle will be analyzed.

Steps to follow:


Discuss and define the meaning of the word " miracle ".


Read the passage from the Bible, John 2: 1-11 that describes the wedding at Cana and discuss why it has only been recorded in the Gospel of St. John.


Discuss the wedding customs of that time found in the Gospel of John, focusing on Mary as the wedding attendant and the importance that the wine had in a ceremony and celebration.


Reread the passage and discuss the language used between Jesus and his mother Mary, focusing on what he said about his time "had not come yet" and why he was going to call her "woman." Determine the meaning.


Discuss the process before Jesus turned water into wine and who assists you. Examine the role of Mary encouraging Jesus.


Examine why Jesus turning water into wine was important as a miracle for the first time for its connection with transubstantiation, which is when wine becomes the blood of Christ during the Catholic Mass. It may be useful to bring in the sermon of a priest, the book of Miracles CS Lewis or another explanation to help keep your discussion.


Relate the wedding at Cana with the Old Testament, discussing why there was not an abundance of wine, what symbolized wine, and how the production of wine would be a sign of the kingdom establishing itself. Discuss how Jesus' actions refer to the traditions of the Pharisees in the Jewish tradition and why he would continue with that tradition.


Talk about what it means that Jesus reveals himself as the creator and the Messiah.


Schematize the applications of what the wedding at Cana means to us today, for example, how Mary presented Jesus, how Jesus sanctioned the institution of marriage, how God focuses on our happiness, how all miracles accumulate to the death of Jesus, as well as the theme of creation and that Jesus is a creator and messiah.