How is leo in friendship

Let's get to know the Leo zodiac sign a little better, especially in relation to friendship relations . There is a feature that characterizes especially the Leo and is that they are very social beings. They like to be surrounded by people, in part, because they like to be the center of attention and satisfy that marked egocentricity they have. And also, they like to feel appreciated for their way of being and opinions. From .com we tell you how Leo is in friendship to know what you can expect.

The Leo have many friends

People with a Leo sign usually have a considerable number of friends . It is a natural thing considering that they have a lot of self-esteem, they have wood of leaders and above all, they are worthy of admiration for their charisma and sense of humor. They love to share quality moments with their friends, they are also very good companions. If you need the help of a Leo, count on them. Surely he will lend it to you without problem, they are always willing to lend a hand.

The Leo are competitive

Although the Leo are available to help you if you need it, there is something negative that we must take into account, and that is that they are somewhat competitive . If they help you it is because they know for sure that you will not compete with them in anything, that you are truly helpless. If you suppose some type of threat for a Leo the safest thing is that it avoids to help you.

The Leo are loyal

A characteristic that defines the Leo as friends are their feelings and ideals. They are loyal people, and if they say something they always do it, their word is very firm and accurate. They also like to interact with very different people with whom to share and discuss opinions. They enjoy a life of contrasts and they look for it in their friendly relations.

The Leo always look for the best

The Leo love to choose the best places for any need. The search for the best choice is an objective in their life and they like to impress and surprise with their choices. They are even generous when it comes to inviting and teaching things. They like to be good hosts and often expect some thanks for their actions.