How is the prediction for Scorpio during 2019

Scorpio is one of the most vital, energetic and positive signs of the horoscope. Everything they do they do with much desire because they seem to have unlimited energy; being able even to achieve goals that for others seem impossible. This 2019 is a perfect year in the sentimental field since the Scorpio can spend more time with their partners or find love, if they are single.

In we tell you how is the prediction for Scorpio during 2019 and that you know the forecast on health, money, love and family issues.


2019 means a good year in the sentimental field for Scorpio people. If you have a partner, this year you can get more intimate and enjoy romantic moments. However, the Scorpio must learn to control their jealousy and avoid being possessive since this can worsen relationships and make them live stormy and difficult moments with the couple.

People without a partner can find love this 2019, especially during the spring months. This year is ideal for singles to initiate loving, long and committed relationships.

If you want to know more about how Scorpio is in love, look at this article and find out.

Work and money

In October, Scorpio people can receive favorable news at an economic level; However, they must take care of their economy throughout the year and control small expenditures because, little by little, they can unbalance the domestic economy.

Scorpio people are ambitious in the professional field and that is a positive point so that this 2019 is favorable at a professional level, however, keep in mind that companionship is also vital, so it is recommended that you promote your work relationships and, , you will improve your work situation.


This 2019 Saturn will be aligned with Jupiter, something that will be very favorable for the Scorpio people to dissipate the small health discomforts they have been dragging during the past year. Of course: during the first months of the year it is likely that they feel tired and with some muscular discomfort, therefore, it is recommended that you take advantage of the beginning of 2019 to practice sports on a regular basis.

As of summer, the state of health of Scorpio will be improved and the vitality and energy will take over your body.

Friends and family

In the family environment there may be some tensions due to economic reasons or material disputes; Scorpio people must know how to manage these misunderstandings well and try to put peace in these situations.

The circle of friendship of the Scorpios will be increased this 2019 where they will meet people of all kinds. However, it must be taken into account that not all people are good at establishing intense and lasting relationships: you must know how to choose who is worth entering your life and who is not. And, above all, never abandon the friends of all life.