How to teach adults with special needs

Adults with special needs present a certain type of challenge for an educator. Teachers should work with adults to learn about their story and their optimal learning style. Educators of children with special needs have the advantage of helping to develop a learning strategy for a child, special education teachers for adults do not have this benefit.

Steps to follow:


Evaluate your student's ability . People turn to adult educators with a variety of backgrounds, and the educator needs to know what the student is capable of, to know where to start the instructional program. This includes the compilation of their education history, as well as, possibly, the clinical history, if the special needs have a direct impact on the study of the desired topics.


Create a plan of objectives and establish them with the student, or with your doctor if you have one. This is the biggest difference between adults with special needs and children. While all children have a caregiver or parent, many adults with special needs function on their own, so you need to learn to work with them to create learning goals and plans.


Use creative teaching methods and creative exercises as often as possible. Many people with special needs function better when they are allowed to be creative and open. Art, music and theater are an excellent tool to use in the teaching of a person with special needs.


Keep flexibility at all times. You never know what will happen when you teach someone with special needs. Special education teachers for adults must adjust to the difficulties of schedules, family and health that their students may have. Expect the unexpected and always keep the attention on the student.

  • Always keep the health of your students in mind. Some people with special needs have conditions that go beyond learning difficulties, which could endanger their health or safety. An example could be a student with serious behavior problems. Keep the student safe at all times, even if he has priority over teaching.
  • Coordinate all activities and strategies with a psychologist or expert pedagogue in adult special education