How to choose flowers for a funeral

Flowers are one of the most important elements that are part of a funeral. Although this event is painful for the relatives and close friends of the deceased, the truth is that it is important to think about and touch on the floral elements that are part of a funeral. For this, below from .com we explain how to choose the flowers for a funeral . In this way you will get to decorate this activity correctly and you will make the best tribute to the deceased person.

Planning the funeral decoration

Before deciding to buy a particular flower, it is recommended that you organize the funeral, especially with regard to your budget . It is important that you have this factor in mind, since flowers are an additional expense that often responsible for the funeral can not assume.

To avoid this situation, we recommend that despite the difficulty of the moment you conveniently report and obtain various budgets, both funeral and specialized florists.

Once you have these, if you consider that your price is beyond your means, you can choose to personally decorate the funeral using flowers from your own garden or collected in the street. In fact, you can use those that belonged to the deceased, so that they function as a tribute and memory of the person you are going to dismiss.

Selection of flowers

Each flower has a different meaning, which is why it is important that you keep in mind what you want to convey during the funeral, decorating this event with certain flowers and discarding others.

In this sense, it is not surprising that most funerals opt for flowers with special meanings, which appeal to the memory of the deceased . This is the case of roses, lilies or even carnations .

Another important issue is the color or hue of the flowers that should be selected for this type of activity. When dealing with a funeral, in this case we recommend that you tilt by clear tones, mainly white flowers, as they convey harmony, a feeling that is very valid to dismiss a person.

Decoration of the funeral

The decoration of the funeral will depend on the place where it will take place . The same can be in a church, a funeral home or a private house. However, in all of them it is important that the presence of the flowers be highlighted but not protagónica.

In fact, you have to try that the flowers function as a decorative aspect that gives value to this act but that at the same time is capable of communicating values ​​and transmitting feelings. Thus, the most advisable thing is that the flowers, either in bouquets or in crowns, are placed behind the coffin and at their sides.

In the same way, you can choose to distribute an individual flower to each person that goes to the funeral. With this small act you will be showing your respect towards the deceased, as well as your will of memory towards this person and gratitude to the people who attend the event.