How to take care of my dog ​​in summer

Hot days arrive, and just as we should prepare ourselves by wearing lighter clothes to alleviate suffocation, or by increasing our water intake so as not to dehydrate, our dogs also require special attention to stay healthy during this intense season. But what measures should we take into account in this period ?, In .com we explain how to take care of your dog in summer and ensure your health.

Steps to follow:


During the summer, as in any other station, it is very common to go for a drive with our dog. But suddenly we are in the need to get off the car for a moment, this is where many owners make a terrible mistake: leave the dog inside the car.

In the summer temperatures rise so that in a few minutes your pet can suffer a heat stroke, and in the case of breeds such as bulldog or pug carlino, who suffer from breathing difficulties, a few minutes in these conditions can lead them to death. During this season, never leave your dog in the car, even for a brief period.


If you go for a walk, run or exercise with your dog, you should help him increase his water intake . During this time due to heat and physical exertion under high temperatures, the animal is more likely to dehydrate. Always carry a special canteen with you for your dog, and as soon as you see that he begins to stick out his tongue insistently, give him a little water. Let him drink until he feels satisfied.


Some people think that they facilitate the life of their dog if, before the arrival of summer, they cut their hair, believing that they will be fresher. The reality is that the coat helps our dog to protect itself from the sun, so in doing this we would be leaving it exposed. It is best to cut your hair in spring or fall.


If you are constantly outside with your dog, it may be better to protect it from the sun. It is best to go out with him in the early hours of the morning or at the end of the afternoon, when the sun is less intense, so you will avoid burning his paws with the asphalt or the heat affecting him too much. But if the plan is to take it for a walk or to the beach at another time of the day, you should have an umbrella or space with shade to protect it and not make it walk too much.


Never apply human sunscreen on the animal, this is very dangerous to your health. If you want to use sunscreen, ask your veterinarian about the options.


During the hottest weeks you should reduce the amount of exercise your dog does if he is old, overweight or has too thick fur . In this way, avoid submitting to extreme situations that may affect your health.


And if the plan is to walk through the countryside or the mountain, remember that in summer increases the presence of insects and parasites, making your dog more vulnerable, so it is important to prevent fleas and ticks by increasing care.


If you notice that your dog looks exhausted, lethargic, constantly sticking out his tongue, if he is dizzy, vomits or throws himself to the ground, it is important to attend to him immediately by lowering the temperature of his body, since he may have been a victim of heat stroke.

Take him to a shady spot and apply plenty of preferably fresh water to his head, neck and torso. Let him drink water and do not stop refreshing his whole body. Once the situation is a little more controlled, take the animal to the veterinarian for a complete review.