How to educate a child with Down Syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when a person has 47 chromosomes instead of 46. When you have a child, the desire of any parent is to educate him correctly. But that desire can also become a fear of failure, especially when you have a child with Down syndrome. For this reason, in the following post it is oriented on how to educate a child with Down Syndrome.

Steps to follow:


Knowing that your child has Down syndrome is not easy for any parent to digest, since the first thing you want when you conceive a child is that they are healthy and have a life as pleasant as possible. Therefore, the first thing to learn to educate a child with disabilities is to talk with other parents in the same situation, they will know how to guide you with their experience.


Children with down syndrome need special care and feel strong attachment to parents. It promotes this type of upbringing. Being so close to the child, you can immediately feel what your needs are when he or she can not tell you. Try to involve the whole family in this process, the father, the brothers and close relatives. In this way, a comfortable environment for the child will be created and family ties and relationships will be strengthened.


There are specialized services for the care of children with Down syndrome and the specific associations in down syndrome provide therapists and doctors who help families to care for and educate the children. Teachers usually go to the family's home to provide better care for the child.


Children with down syndrome have delays when it comes to learning to speak. To compensate for this and favor good communication, you can teach the basic sign language at home and communicate in this way. This way you will know when you are tired, if you want to eat or want to play. This language can be taught based on the repetition of gestures and movements.


To improve communication with the child with down syndrome, stand in front of him and establish a direct visual contact, use short phrases and accompany those phrases with gestures that illustrate what you want to say. Finally, ask him to repeat everything you said.


The key to the formation of children with down syndrome is love. Experts say that children with Down syndrome should be treated the same as other children of their age. Although their learning is difficult, there are cases of young people affected by down syndrome who have learned to fend for themselves as a result of being educated with children of their age who do not have any deficiency. If you are thinking about taking it to a normal school, do not dismiss the idea if in that center they also have support mechanisms for the learning of children with disabilities, because there they will rely on their classmates and learn better than in a specific center for children with disabilities. Down's Syndrome.