How to exercise the brain

The brain is a very complex organ of the nervous system. The brain controls our behavior, from receiving information from its environment and acting in response to it. That is why it is necessary that you have great health, then we propose some activities of how to exercise the brain .


Reading is an activity that exercises and stimulates the brain . It can be read aloud and / or in a low voice, thus working different areas of the brain. Thus, reading is undoubtedly one of the main activities that stimulates the brain, but you have to know how to do it. A good idea is to read several authors or genres. For example, reading for example a week a civilization such as the Greek, in the other week reading about the Egyptians, and several authors will enrich us a lot. It is also a good idea to read aloud at times and in silence for others, remember that when we read in silence we do not work the same areas of the brain as if we do it out loud.


Memorize names, phone numbers, birthday dates, geographical maps ... It is also very useful to associate an image and / or experience to each element you want to remember.


You have to do different types of hobbies, as well as several subjects but that are always of your interest. It is a way to disconnect from the world and to nourish our brain life.

Non-dominant hand

By using our non-dominant hand in different tasks throughout the day such as buttoning buttons, picking up a glass to drink water, writing, brushing teeth, putting on makeup or combing hair; It will make the contralateral area of ​​your brain exercise in the basic tasks.

Closed eyes

Eating or showering with your eyes closed are some of the activities we can do to stimulate sensitivity and thus stimulate our brain. Because, for example, when we shower we eliminate the visual field, we pay more attention to the information captured by the touch or the smell.

Avoid routine

If our day to day is the same: the same activities in the same order, with the same time, we talk to the same people or go through the same places; we make our brain work automatically and do not strain, so do not work properly. That is why it is necessary to do different things as much as possible: go through different streets, go to the gym, another day to paint classes, etc.

Exercise and Food

Physical activity is very important because it is a way to exercise the brain. Since the brain controls the behavior activating muscles or producing the secretion of chemicals (such as hormones). In terms of diet, you think that a correct diet is necessary to maintain brain function.

  • Work your brain and you will see how the usual confusions like