How do you spell osea uo es

I mean either? To ask this question is very common when it comes to having to write this term, and there are many expressions that generate confusion and we do not know if they should be written as a single word or, on the contrary, separately. If you have also faced this linguistic question and want to solve it, discover in the following article how you spell it or whatever it is .

that is

If we introduce the term 'bone' written as a single word in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we see that it is a conjugated form of the verb 'bone' which refers to the action of frightening domestic birds and The hunt. In concrete 'bone' is the conjugate form in the third person of the singular (he or she) of the present indicative or in the second person of the singular (tú) of imperative.


  • The farmer osea to the birds so that they do not eat the harvest.
  • I mean the pigeons on the roof that are fouling him.

that is

On the other hand, the term 'that is' written separately is a phrase that is used to explain or clarify something that we have already mentioned earlier in the sentence. This locution could replace it in any case by the expression 'that is'.


  • I have already arrived, so it is not necessary that you wait for me.
  • The museum also opens on Sundays, so we can all go together that day.

The use of this expression is much more frequent than using the previous form that refers to the verb 'bone', and the correct way to do it is to write 'that is' separately and not together.