How to write correct or correct

Correct or correct? If you have ever asked yourself what is the correct way to write this term and you have had doubts about whether you should go with 'g' or, on the contrary, with 'j', pay attention to the following article from. This kind of linguistic questions are very common, since in the Spanish language there are certain irregular verbs that modify their roots when conjugating them. Take note and discover how to write correct or correct .

to correct

If we look for the term 'correct' in the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), we check that it is registered and that it is a verb of the third conjugation that comes from the Latin corrigĕre, which is used under the following meanings :

  • "Action to amend the wrong".
  • "Warn, admonish, reprimand".
  • "Said of a teacher: to point out errors in the exams or works of their students, generally to give them a grade".
  • "Decrease, temper, moderate the activity of something".


  • Do not forget to correct the answer to this question, as you have made several mistakes.
  • You have to try to correct that aggressive attitude you have in some occasions.
  • One of the teachers' tasks is to correct the exams of their students.

* correct

However, when we introduce the term 'correjir' in the dictionary, we note that it is not collected and the previous form is directly shown by having a similar writing.

Therefore, we can conclude that 'correct' with 'j' is completely incorrect and that we should always write the verb 'correct' with 'g' .

Verb forms with 'j'

The confusion of whether we should write 'correct' with 'g' or 'j', is that being an irregular verb, when conjugating it, we will find that some verbal forms must be written with 'j'. So that you do not make mistakes, you can follow this rule as a guide: only verbal forms are written with 'j' when this consonant is followed by the vowels 'a' or 'o', such as: correct, correct, correct, correct, correct or correct.