How to convert degrees farenheit to degrees centigrade

Surely it sounds like measuring in Fahrenheit . From there it can be deduced that this type of measurement also takes care of the temperature, like the degrees centigrade . In the following article, .com will show you the difference between both measures, so you can discover how to convert degrees to degrees centigrade.

Steps to follow:


A degree Celsius is a unit of temperature that Anders Celsius invented in 1742 to control the temperature. It is represented by the symbol ºC.


On the other hand, a Farenheit degree is a temperature scale that is represented by ºF. It is a measure invented by Daniel Farenheit in the year 1724. It moves on a scale of evaporation and freezing of water that is 212º and 32ºF.


To know how many degrees Celsius equals the degrees farenheit you have to subtract the degrees farenheit minus 32, multiply it by 5 and divide it by 9.


For example, if you want to know how many degrees Celsius are 100 degrees Fahrenheit, what you have to do is follow the formula that appears in the previous step. That is, 100-32 = 68 To that result and according to the formula, we must multiply it by 5. That is, 68 * 5 = 340 And the resulting number (340) is divided by 9. 340/9 = 37, 7ºC is 100ºF.