How to change my profile picture on Facebook

Do you want to update your Facebook picture and do not know how to do it? Doing it is very simple, you just have to follow some concrete steps that will help you put a new image in a few seconds. In this article we detail how to change your profile photo on Facebook with some simple instructions so that you show the world the new photo that you like. Do not miss it and take note of what you have to do to update your profile picture.

Steps to follow:


The first step in order to change the profile picture of Facebook is to access your personal account. For this you must enter the web and insert your username and password; Then you will have to access your profile page and put the cursor on the image that you currently have, then you will see that the option of "Update profile photo" appears, you will have to click here.


Then you will see a screen in the center of the page that will give you different options to make the change of the photo ; You can choose an image that you already have upload on your Facebook or, if you prefer, you can upload a new one that you have saved on your computer but you have not yet uploaded to your account.


As soon as you have chosen your new image, a new screen will appear that will give you the option of cutting the image and adapting it to the official measurements of this social network. To cut it just have to click on the photo and move it making it fit inside the box that is highlighted in a more vivid color.


The next and last step to change the profile picture is to choose the thumbnail photo; this is the image that will be displayed when you interact in the social network. Being a different measure to the profile photo, Facebook allows you to adapt it to the new size so that it comes out as you like it to appear. Drag the image again and click "Save".


Immediately afterwards you will see how your Facebook image has changed and the notification of the change in your biography appears so that all your friends can realize the modification and comment on your new photograph. But if you do not want anyone to see that you have changed it, you can put the cursor in the upper right part of the image and click on the option " Hide from the biography ", as we show you in the image.


Then you will see another small screen to confirm that you really want to hide the information; If so, click on "Hide" and no one of your friends can see that you have changed your public image. So you get the privacy you want in this social network; In this video we tell you how to set the privacy of Facebook.