How to communicate with my dog

Having a pet is very comforting, but being able to communicate with her is already perfect, because in this way you can establish a communication that allows even through simple orders or with body language to establish a contact. The dog-human and human-dog communication exists and you just have to know how to do it to make it work. You can direct the dog more strictly, but the communication will cause that in addition to obeying you, establishing a good communication between them . That's why from .com we want to orientate you to how to communicate with my dog.

Steps to follow:


First you must take into account your education so that your dog obeys you. This must be taken into account since they are puppies and thus be able to correct their inappropriate behaviors, something that when adult is more expensive to carry out, although it is not impossible.


Watch your dog. There is no better way to learn something than observing. In this way you can learn their habits, their gestures and more frequent movements. At the same time, you will begin to understand almost without realizing their behavior in a natural way.


Begin to understand the visual contact you have with your dog. Surely you understand in people the visual language, when a person looks at you a lot or wants to say something with your eyes. You can even feel threatened when someone looks at you very intently. With your dog is very similar, when you look at them very closely you can feel confused and feel that look as a threat. Normally the dog will deviate his gaze to avoid a situation of confrontation.


The position adopted by your dog will also be important in terms of your communication. Many of them will be subtle and it may take some time to identify them, but once you understand it, you will see how it is worth it. Let's see some of them:

  • Confidence: keep your body up with its tail up. You will feel calm and confident.
  • Reverence : with this posture crouching with the ass raised, the head bent and the front legs forward is a clear invitation to the game.
  • Hip swing : it is an unmistakable sign of play. If you swing the hip next to your body it may be a request for you to scratch that area.
  • Roll : if you put your belly up and roll from side to side, it is a sign of respect and trust towards authority. It may also indicate that you scratch your belly. It could also be an indicator of passive resistance, to distract you with the game and to focus on something else.
  • Scared : if you crouch, shrink or hide you are scared or feel insecure. You can also put your tail between the legs.
  • Aggressive : if you start to move your tail vigorously holding it down and you stay rigid forward, you feel threatened and you are in an aggressive position.


Also look at their gestures, for example, raise your leg and put it on your leg to ask something or shake your head and shoulders in the sign of the end of an activity.


His tail and ears, like the tail and ears of cats, also tells us a lot about his state of mind. It is not always happiness. To communicate with your dog, you should also take these aspects into account.


Listen to your dog, its barking, grunting or moaning will also tell you important things to communicate with you. A barking is not the same as a grunt when it feels threatened.


You can also communicate with your dog through your words . With patience, your dog can learn to associate a signal or word with his behavior and your response to it. For example you can associate "come" with approaching you, or "sit" to sit in front of you and get our approval, or also "outside" to not get on your couch. He is also able to learn the word "no" as your disapproval.


It is important that you communicate with your pet, especially to be able to identify signs of your dog as stress to avoid aggressive behavior.


This learning process, both yours and your dog, is not done in two days, be patient and be constant.