How to lower my cat's fever

Fever in cats is just as common as in dogs, although it is harder for us to identify it. The felines being much more independent and self-sufficient animals than their canine companions, it is more complicated for the owners to realize that they are sick. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the behavior of our cat daily and provide all the care you need. Among the most common symptoms of feline fever are apathy, dryness of the nose and restless, nervous behavior. Is the temperature too high? Keep reading this article and discover how to lower your cat's fever .

Steps to follow:


The normal temperature of an adult cat oscillates between 38 and 39ºC, while that of the puppies is at 39.5ºC. If taking the temperature of your feline exceeds these figures, we can consider that you have a fever. It is best to take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible to examine it and discover the cause of the fever, since it often appears as a symptom of some disease.


In the event that the high temperature of your feline is not due to a serious pathology, but to a common cold or other mild reason, you can resort to the use of home treatments to reduce it, always with the consent of the veterinarian. The first thing you should do is ensure that your cat drinks all the water your body needs to keep it well hydrated . The felines are low-drinking animals, so you should pay special attention to this detail and provide your liquid with the help of a syringe if you do not want to drink. It is very important that the water is fresh. See our article on how to make your cat drink more water.


The space where your cat is is very important to get the fever down and recover its normal temperature. Ideally, you should place it in a warm and dry place in your home, that is, free of moisture, away from cold, excess heat and sudden changes in temperature. It is very important that the cat is as comfortable as possible, relaxed and calm to promote the recovery process.


To regulate the temperature of your body, you should place wet compresses on your forehead and leave them for a few minutes. The compresses or towels must be moistened in cold water, otherwise they will not be effective. Then, remove them, you can do this process twice a day. In addition to the forehead, you can moisten your legs, abdomen area and groin for a better result. Of course, remember that after applying the compresses you must dry the wet parts well.


Food also plays a very important role in their recovery and lowering of fever, since an inadequate diet can aggravate their condition and even be the cause. To select the best food you should pay attention to the ingredients, weight of your cat, breed and age. Check our article on how to choose the food of my cat and check if you are providing or not the most appropriate.


During the time that your cat is with fever try not to bathe, unless the veterinarian tells you otherwise, to prevent the situation from worsening. If after 48 hours since the taking of the temperature and putting these remedies into practice the fever does not stop, you should take your cat to the veterinarian to examine it, remember that it may be a symptom of some disease and therefore it does not abate.