Why does my dog ​​sound like his guts

When your stomach sounds it is very likely that you know what it means, usually it is that you are hungry or that you are digesting the food, although it may also be that you are sick. The stomach of your dog can also make a lot of noise, but when your bowels sound, can it be for the same as when they sound like you? The technical name of the sound of the guts is known as bowel sounds and is normal for dogs and people. In we are going to explain to you some causes of why your dog sounds your guts .

Bowel sounds with digestion

We begin by discovering why your dog sounds your guts talking about one of the most frequent causes. During digestion, the gastrointestinal tract breaks down food; these move and the gases that are created in the digestive process move. Most audible sounds for a dog owner are related to the gases that move in the intestines.

All that gas in motion makes noises. Sometimes, digestion can produce sounds louder than normal when the process creates a lot of gas or when the gastrointestinal tract suddenly experiences an increase in activity, such as when a dog eats after having an empty stomach.

In this other article we tell you how to avoid the gases of dogs.

Because your dog is hungry

A dog's guts may sound because they are hungry, just as it happens to you. The noises are produced by the movement and contractions of the gastrointestinal tract and are usually a little stronger than the sounds of digestion.

These hunger sounds are, of course, more common in the morning before breakfast, a little before dinner, or any time your dog has been without food for some time and may be hungry.

Gases and air

Another reason why your dog may feel his guts may be because he has ingested a lot of air, either by eating or breathing quickly can cause too much stomach noise (and may even burp). If your dog eats too fast it can also be a reason to have stomach noises.

If your dog swallows too much air when eating, you can try to buy another bowl for your food or put less food in one shot. If you think you swallow too much air when you gasp or eat, go to your vet to assess him.

He has eaten something that he should not

While most of a dog's stomach noises are normal and harmless, some stomach noises in your pet can be a sign of potentially serious gastrointestinal problems.

If a dog eats something that it does not have to (for example of the garbage), or there is something that has changed in its diet suddenly, it can cause stomach discomfort and that the intestines sound to him because of this. In we tell you how to treat indigestion in a dog so you know how you should proceed in these cases.

Parasites or intestinal problems

It may also be that a dog's guts ring because it has intestinal parasites or, also, because it has swallowed strange objects or because it has intestinal diseases that are causing stomach upset. In more rare cases, when the casings sound excessively, it can be associated with endocrine or metabolic disorders.

In any case, if you notice that your dog is having too many stomach noises and you think they are out of the ordinary, you should go to your veterinarian so they can do a review and be able to know exactly what happens. You should notice if you have any symptoms to tell your veterinarian, such as your dog eating less, vomiting, diarrhea, saliva too or if it seems too decayed.

You may also have abdominal pain, something you'll know if you see him in a stooped posture. Whatever it is, your veterinarian can help you.

In we give you some tips so that you know what to do so that your dog does not have internal parasites.