How to feed a doberman puppy

The feeding of a doberman puppy is basic not only because of the fact that food is key to ensure healthy growth. Thus, feeding the puppy also involves teaching behavior patterns regarding the foods that will be decisive, for example, when it comes to warding off future problems such as obesity. In this .com article we explain how to feed a puppy doberman.

Steps to follow:


The basic thing you should know about how to feed the puppy is that you have to combine a good quality dry feed with some milk. You will see how two elements are very simple to combine and that, even together, will make it easier to feed the dog.


So, one of the problems that you can find when feeding a puppy doberman is that it costs him to swallow the feed. On the other hand, if you moisten the food with milk, you will achieve, on the one hand, that the dog will accept it better and, on the other hand, that he will be drinking the milk.


In the case that the doberman puppy does not like the feed with milk, moisten the first of the food with water and offer the milk separately, in a clean bowl. You will see how he accepts food in this way.


As for the times, only water should always be available to the dog. The rest, both milk and feed, you should only dispense to the animal for a quarter of an hour or 20 minutes. Then you remove them, even if you have only taken a small amount, you will see how next time you leave nothing without eating.


Until 5 months of age, unless the veterinarian tells you otherwise, give your puppy doberman 3 servings per day of 200 grams of feed each. After 5 months, reduce the number of servings to 2 per day, increasing the amount of each to 350 grams per day.


It is not recommended that you give the dog your leftovers and, if you want to reward it with a sweet, that it is only part of the educational process and not as a dietary guideline. We recommend that you also read this article on how to educate a Doberman.