How to feed my dog

One of the questions that every pet owner ever faces is what will be the best way to feed your dog and whether it is doing it correctly or not, because for anyone it is a secret that the nutrition depends largely on the health of our dog. animal. If you want your dog to be healthy and strong, in .com we give you some key tips so you know how to feed your dog

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should know is how often you should feed it, until four months the dog should eat four times a day, up to eight months three times a day, up to a year and a half twice a day and in adulthood once daily


Veterinarians always recommend the food for sale in the market instead of the landlord, because the commercial food contains all the nutrients that your dog needs in a balanced way, without condiments or excesses that could damage your health


You should always give your dog the food that corresponds to his age, there is food for puppies, for large, medium and small dogs, currently the options are varied, creating increasingly specific products


Regarding the portions it is important that you consult your veterinarian about it, however you should know that this will vary depending on the size and physical activity of your dog, if you run every day, if you burn a lot of calories, if it is more sedentary good, among other factors


Regarding the option to feed our dog with homemade food, most of the veterinarians, unless the animal has a specific health problem, consider that it is not advisable, as it is difficult to administer a balanced diet with homemade foods, since it tends more to the excess of carbohydrates


Not to mention the option of giving leftovers of our food to the animal. Dogs have specific needs and can not feed themselves in a spicy way or with the same products as us. In the case of preferring a homemade diet should be specially prepared food for them, it is best that your veterinarian provides you with a menu of options

  • Remember that it is important that your dog feeds in a balanced way, because this will guarantee a healthier life
  • If you notice that your dog does not adapt to commercial foods, consult your veterinarian to evaluate new options