How to make a long trip with children

Traveling with children can be exhausting, especially if it's a long trip; and is that the little ones, not being aware of time, can get nervous when they get bored of being in a place for a long time, be it an airplane, a train or a car. That's why in .com we give you some tips to discover how to make a long trip with children .

Steps to follow:


Our work will begin weeks before. To try to prepare the child, we can read stories in which the protagonists have to travel to reach magical and unique places. We can enter the figure of the plane, the car or the vehicle that we intend to use for our displacement. In addition, we can talk about the moments that will live in those places, for example the controls at the airport or the landscapes on the train and the car. All from the magical perspective of the stories.


When taking a long trip with children, keep in mind the things your children need to always carry with them. Surely there is a teddy bear, some pacifier or some special utensil which does not separate. If we make the mistake of putting it in the suitcase, we will surely encounter problems during the trip. So, check this right before leaving home.


It is very important to prepare a bag with games and activities for our children. In this way, as soon as the children begin to be restless, we can give them a book to paint, movies, DVDs or interactive games.


A trick to make a long trip with children is to get some new game or movie for the little one. In this way we will have the surprise factor. Few children are reluctant to watch a movie of their favorite cartoon, especially when it comes to a new adventure.


If you prefer that your children have fun with you and with traditional games, you can create a list of games like I see. As children feel restless you can propose these games. They are really interesting and effective when we have more than one child.


If you plan to take a long trip with children try to be them, in principle, who choose the game or activity they want to do. This way they will not notice that we are imposing anything on them.