How to reduce the weight of a photo

The photos that we make with our digital cameras or even with the cameras of the mobile, sometimes are too heavy, that is to say, they occupy a lot of space in our hard disk . We can find problems when sending photos by email or uploading to Facebook, what can we do? Reducing the size of the image (going from 3200px wide to 1000px, for example) is one of the solutions, but there are other more effective ones like the one we are going to show you next. Stay tuned

You will need to:
  • Photoshop
  • Digitized image
Steps to follow:


Open the image you want to reduce weight with Photoshop.


Click on File> Save for web and other devices .


When you open this option you will see that the weight of the image will have already dropped considerably. Keep reading to know what options to adjust.


Type of file One of the factors that most involved in determining the weight of the image is the type of file. You can choose between: PNG, GIF, WBMP or JPEG. JPEG is the best option to drastically reduce the weight of the photo .


Quality of the image The second element that you can modify to alter the weight of the image is quality. You can do it by entering a number (the higher the quality) or choosing one of the options of the combo (by default the option of "Media" will be marked).


Size of the image As we have already mentioned, the size of the image is another element that you can use to alter the weight of the image. The smaller the photo, the less weight.


Finally, when you finish, do not forget to click on the "Save" button to change the changes you have made.