How to make a gif with Photoshop CS6

Now that the gifs are so fashionable, surely you've ever wondered how they can be done. There are quite a few tools that can be used, and Photoshop is of course one of them. The process is somewhat long but in reality nothing complicated. You only need to have selected what are those photos that you want to convert into gif and launch yourself with a little patience to achieve it. Do not know where to start? In .com we tell you how to make a gif with Photoshop CS6.

Steps to follow:


Open Photoshop CS6 and go to File> New . Name the file, choose the size you want your gif to have, make sure the resolution is at 72 and click OK.


Go to File> Open and select the images you want to make your animated gif . Click on Open They will open like new tabs on the work surface.


Adapt each of the images to the size you have chosen for the gif. To do so, in each image go to Image> Image size and enter the appropriate number of pixels.


By selecting the "Move" tool from the left column (the one that is an arrow), drag the images to the white canvas that you created at the beginning. They will become different layers of that image.


Next, go to Window> Timeline . A new panel will open below the image.


In the drop-down menu that appears in the middle of the Timeline, select "Create frame animation" and click on the text.


In the lower part of the Timeline panel, click where it says "Once" to see the different options. So you will select how many times you want the sequence to repeat. The normal thing is to put "Infinity".


Also in the lower part of the panel, click on the icon that is like a blank page with a bent corner. You will see that a new box appears in the timeline . Press it until you have as many pictures as you want images to form your gif.


Select the first box. Next, go to the "Layers" panel and click on the eye in all layers other than the first one. This way you will see that first image at the beginning. In the second box, repeat the process again, leaving in this case the viewing eye only visible for which you want the second image to be. And so on until you finish with all the layers.


If you notice, a unit of time appears below each frame of the timeline (0 seconds by default). Change them to put the time you want each of the images to last in your gif.


Click on the "Play" button at the bottom of the timeline to see how your gif will look.


Satisfied? Go to File> Save for web and in the format type choose GIF. Leave everything else as it is ... and that's it! You have already created a gif with Photoshop CS6.